Thursday, August 8, 2013

Keep getting denied a position at Target?

best babies toys 2011
 on Best Baby Toys
best babies toys 2011 image


I've applied to Target 3 times since 2011. Each time I apply (online) they send me an email within the next few days stating "Thank you for taking the time to apply with us. We are unable to offer you a position at this time, but we do appreciate your interest in Target." I know they're hiring in my city because other people apply and get an interview, then get offered the job. For some reason I can't get an interview. I have experience. I've worked as a cashier before at Walmart, could this be the issue, since both companies are in competition? Or could it be the assessment questions? Also, I get the same response/emails from Babies R US/Toys R US, whose always hiring. What could the issue be?

I think it's the assessment questions. I've applied at Target and Toys R Us twice and I've also received those emails each time. I thought it was because I don't have experience besides an internship that they were turning me down but you've gotten the same emails and you have worked at Walmart so it must be the questions.

Have you ever helped another person or family at Christmas time?

B 7- Bingo

Wow... it takes a really sad person to give thumbs down to people doing good things for others.

Yes... for the last 30 odd years !! Some of my favorites -

1990 - Was in port, Philippines and 20 of us from the ship visited an orphanage and brought toys, books, and Christmas Dinner (plus $$ to feed them for another 3 months)... I wanted to adopted 1/2 the kids !!

1995 - Had all the "homeless" in my Division (guys who lived on the ship and had no local family) over to our house for Dinner and Gifts. Also got 4 guys to "take-the-duty" for another guy who had JUST had a baby, but was on the duty-roster... he really needed to be home.

2000 - Did the same thing for a bunch of "young" students at Stanford while I was teaching and finishing my PhD

2004-2011 - Donate Christmas Eve day to our local food-bank / shelter... cook for the 20 families who show up for Supper, give gifts to the little kids, hire some of the guys for work at our ranch later. We also had my little brother go to the local Navy Airbase and bring 5 people up to our ranch for Christmas Eve and Day - "Adopt a Sailor" program.

GIVING is more rewarding... that said "Santa, I REALLY want that used tree-trimming bucket truck!!"

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