Thursday, October 31, 2013

Walkers, have they decided they are bad or good for babies yet?

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Mom of E a

I have seen several posts on here saying that walkers are bad for babies. Are they for sure saying that (do you have a link) or is it just something someone said? I haven't seen anything on the news or net about this. My little one seems like she might be ready for one. I haven't decided to get a walker or push toy yet. Give me your opinions!

She's 9 months old and pulling to stand and taking 1-2 steps.

Timid Woman heard correctly. Most of us pediatricians dislike walkers because we have seen our share of accidents, some serious. Some accidents are the result of neglect as when a baby pushes the walker down the stairs, but others are less predictable, as when one collapses and pinches the fingers or hand.

From a theoretical standpoint, walkers emphasize use of the legs and hips at a time in development when the infant should be exercising and strengthening the arms and shoulders.

Sure, it's cute to watch babies toddle around behind a walker, but walkers disrupt the natural order of development, and that may be bad for some children.

Need an infant car seat that can be operated with only one hand?


A baby is on the way for my sister and my brother in law. He was injured at war and can only use one hand for pressing buttons etc. We are trying to find an infant car seat that can be released from it's base and the handle clicked down using only one hand (not both at the same time). Any tips or advice is appreciated thanks.

I don't know if they still make them but graco made a car seat that the button was on the handle. You just push the one button in and the seat was released. It also worked like that for the stroller. So that you could fold the stroller down with one hand as well. Try toys r us or babies r us that is where I remember seeing it.

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