Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do they make baby swings for indoors?

best outdoor infant toys
 on Product description: Toy mouse duo
best outdoor infant toys image


I'm not talking about the infant swings, but actual swings that you can push the baby in? We have a five month old daughter, and we live in an apartment. We have a jump-up that attaches to the doorframe, but she seems to enjoy it more when we have her "swing" in it, so I was wondering if they made indoor swings? The infant ones are too small for her and she doesn't like them.

When my nephew outgrew his infant swing my sister put an outdoor baby swing in her doorway using hooks, but they had a really strong doorway. I didn't trust my doorways enough to do that for my kids so I got them a little tikes swing and slide set and kept it in the toy room for them.

Tips for babysitting 6 children with a friend?


Hi I am 15 years old and I was asked to babysit 6 children, and to ask a friend. I asked my family friend who is 19 years old so both of us will be babysitting the kids.
The ages are 7, 5.5, two 4.5, 2.5, and 10 months old.
Only two of the kids are girls.
Supposedly they are all easy children.

Any tips to handling everyone? Activities we could do to keep the busy, etc? How to stay organized?

First of all, I would split up the kids. For instance, I would take the kids that are 4.5-7 (all of whom should be more independent), and I'd ask the other sitter to take the 2.5 year old and the 10 month old. You could also ask the other sitter to take the 4.5 year old, leaving you with the 5 and 7 year olds. Or vice versa (you could take the younger ones). I prefer caring for the older children, so I have listed for you the way I would go about this.

If you are caring for the infant and the toddler, you'll want to make sure that you are watching them around the clock, and keeping them happy. Play with toys, get down on the floor, be interactive.

For the older really varies on "handling them". Do these children get along with one another? That is usually the biggest problem...sibling rivalry. I usually bring along with me board games, crafts, and maybe a ball.

This one ball can be used for indoor games like monkey in the middle, silent ball, or even hot potato; and also the typical outdoor games. Crafts can be whatever you want to make out of them. With that many children, I'd keep it simple. I bought a great "Spin Art" kit from Meijer which was a huge hit. I also like the "Color Wonder" paints (no mess!), though crafts are endless in possibilities.

How will the weather be? With four kids, tag is great. As is hide and seek (which can also be played indoors). Then of course there are the typical outdoor games (Football, etc.). Ride bikes, shoot hoops, possibly put together a scavenger hunt.

Also if you are indoors with the older kids, you could always make a fort! They normally LOVE that!

Of course keep all of the children fed and well cared for. If this runs into the evening, I usually would bring the kids in and calm them down an hour or two before bed time. Watch a movie. That is a great way for the kids to unwind and get prepared for bed. Read books to any children that request it, and get them to bed! Once they are sleeping soundly, enjoying the rest of the evening for yourself, but be sure to check on the kids frequently.

Best of luck, and have fun!!!

~ Kris

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