Saturday, July 20, 2013

What is everyone's favorite games to play with their infants?

best infant light up toys
 on Top Tech Toys for Tots
best infant light up toys image


I have a 7 month old son and want to know what beloved games keep a child stimulated and happy. He already has hours of playing, reading, listening to music and other people talk, visual media, and bouncer/swing time. Is there any other jingles or cute little games I can play with him besides peek-a-boo, nursery rhymes, finding dropped items, tickling, and various toys?

good old blocks is a classic, touch feel and smell things, outside is obviously good with lots of bird noises, and pretty smelling flowers, soft light isnt as intrusive, sounds like botanical gardens is the best bet, also what about pets? Rabbits are cool

What toys are appropriate for the first year?


What toys -- if any -- are appropriate for infants? Do infants really play with toys or is it more a matter of peek-a-boo, etc. All the "toys" that I see for babies seem to be either teething items or "clutch" toys (not sure if these do anything more than just give baby something to hold). Seems like you wouldn't need a special toy for that. Any thoughts?

My son never likeed any of those infant toys. He did use the doorway bouncer, walker, exersaucer quite a bit. Also a baby gym, board books and that lullaby seahorse thing. Also there is this turtle that puts stars on the ceiling... Turtle star night light

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