Thursday, July 18, 2013

What are the best ways to keep the baby occupied while in the car...?

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amber 18

We visit the grandparents at least 1 a month and they live about 2 hours away. My 6 month old is getting tired of the infant toys that hang from his handle. What other toys are good for keeping babies occupied for so long in the car?

Other than my husband or I sitting back there playing peekabo!

Traveling is sooo hard. I have trouble with mine if its more than an hour. He will sleep about that long then wake up and be bored and fussy. I try bringing lots of toys from home. When he was that little he loved to rip up paper. Old magazines work great for that. That would keep him busy for awhile. The other thing I try to do is leave for the trip when I know he is tired. He used to sleep late so if we got going real early I knew he would fall back to sleep. Also try and tire him out before you leave, play outside in the fresh air. My baby also likes the toy cell phones. I set aside some toys for just the car so he doesn't get bored with them so fast. The only time he gets to play with them is in the car.

Do you look on the back of the package to find out where it was made before buying it? Do you buy made China?

Fedup Vete

The last question was suppose to be, "Do you buy stuff "Made in China" or do you try to find something else to take the place of it."

How about infant toys? Do you return it if it says China on it?

I look to make sure. Especially if Im giving the toy to a baby or toddler. They seem to chew on everything. Im checking chocolates and candy now too.

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