Thursday, July 18, 2013

I need funny invitation ideas for a fiesta themed diaper shower I am throwing my sister.?

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This is my sisters second child so the "shower" is going to be more like a party. I am looking for a funny poem to use for an invitation. The party is Sept 13th 2012. She is having a girl.

Everybody loves cuddly babies
Theyâre soft and chubby and cute
They arrive wrapped in love
Wearing nothing but a birthday suit
But they need lots of stuff
Bottles, diapers, toys and decoration
And most of all, they need people like you
So please join us in celebration

All I need to accomplish before having a baby?


Okay, I'm almost 16... And before you start lecturing me about how I'm too young, I know.
I would like a baby now, but I know obviously I shouldn't. I'm not planning on it. I'm not going to have sex at my age.. If I was raped and was impregnated or something, well... Things would work out. I'd find some way to provide for a baby.
I just would like mothers with experience to create kind of.. Maybe like a "checklist" of things I need to do/get before having a baby.
Like schooling, items (crib, diapers, etc), housing, insurance, income per month, experiences, car, etc etc.... Basically a list.
What is a schedule with a newborn like? How long until a baby with sleep through the night most of the time?
Any other advice you would like to add :)

Add-on: I have done the Baby Think It Over project for a week and got a 99.5% (would have gotten a 100 but I forgot to chime in once) the least amount of sleep I got was about 2 hours... And that was Sunday night so I had school the next day haha. It kind of sucked. I also got a C on a test in a class I usually get A's in because I hardly remembered anything that was taught because of lack of sleep lol. Yeah.

Let me just tell you this, having a baby means pretty much giving up everything else you had planned. They are the most demanding, challenging and time-consuming activity a human can do. There is no perfect situation for having a baby, plans are very hard to make, there's rarely enough money and everything you plan goes to the back of the line because the baby is the priority.

A schedule - every waking minute is the baby's - you can sneak in short naps while they nap. Some babies sleep through the night from the beginning, some don't ever sleep through the night, and some take months before they sleep through the night. You, on the other hand, rarely sleep through the night.

It can be wonderful but it is not for the weak-hearted. They are not a toy, they are a person in training and you must take responsibility for preparing that child for life. As they get older you cannot be their friend, you are their parent and you must take a firm hand with discipline or the child will go completely out of control. At times you have to let them hate you because you will tell them something they don't want to hear, or you will have to give them punishment that they earned. Your life becomes theirs, you do everything for them, plan your life around them, give up things you want to do to allow them to have opportunities. You are their chauffeur, housekeeper, maid, cook, cleaner, slave.

And, for all that work, you get in return a hug, a card on mother's day, a smile, thanks and that little bit makes up for almost everything. A few classes or projects don't prepare you for what parenting is, nothing can. It is the single most rewarding experience in life and to go with that it is also the hardest and you get the least in return for your investment unless you count all those times they asked for your help.

Go into this with your eyes open, it is not romantic, not dreamy, it is real life, crap full diapers, crying for hours on end, so much laundry you think you'll never ever do it all, and unless you work outside the home you'll long for the sound of another adult voice. It is lovely and demanding. My own child had her own family and her children are now grown - her childhood was the best time of my life and I miss it like crazy but it isn't easy.

How to prepare. Get a good education or training first, so that you can have your choice of occupation that can make your life easier and provide you with a good income. There are mothers out there living on minimum wage who struggle severely to keep their family going. If would be good to make at least $30,000 a year or more to provide for yourself and a child. It costs over $200,000 over 17 years to raise a child. Housing would be the biggest expense, so income would depend on where you live, in an urban area you'd need more.

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