Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What clothes and quantities do I need for twins for the first year? How would you change my list?

best infant toys 6-9 months
 on Best Baby Toys
best infant toys 6-9 months image

Ivy G

100 Newborn Disposable Diapers
70 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 INFANT size
50 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 PREMIUM size
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size One 6-18 lbs:
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size Two 18-40 lbs:
6 Newborn daytime Winter outfits
4 Newborn Hats
30 Newborn onsies
2 Newborn Shoes / Booties (Size 0)
14 Newborn Sleepers / Pajamas
20 Newborn Socks
4 Newborn Velcro Swaddle
30 Receiving Blankets
10 0-3 month early spring daytime outfits
30 0-3 month onsies
4 0-3 month shoes (size 1)
14 0-3 month sleepers / Pajamas
2 3 - 6 month baby brimmed hats
4 3 - 6 month shoes (size 2)
30 3-6 month short-sleeved onsies
14 3-6 month sleepers / pajamas
10 3-6 month Summer Daytime Outfits
4 6-12 month Hats
14 6-12 month Socks
4 6-9 month shoes (size 3)
2 6-9 month Winter snowsuit / bunting
14 6-9 month daytime fall outfits
10 6-9 month long-sleeved onsies
10 6-9 month short-sleeved onsies
14 6-9 month sleepers / pajamas
4 9-12 month shoes (size 4)
14 9-12 month daytime winter outfits
10 9-12 month long-sleeved onsies
10 9-12 month short-sleeved onsies
14 9-12 month sleepers / pajamas
2 9-12 month snowsuit / bunting
4 9-12 month coats

Is there anything I need more of? Less of? Missing? (This is just a clothing / diaper list for the first year, not lotions, car seats toys etc). Also I didn't put bibs on my list, but my mom says I should? If so how many and what size? I will be breastfeeding and using the wrong sized diapers as burp cloths.
I need to try to buy everything for the first year before they are born for financial and other reasons (such as baby shower gifts). This is for twins, so 2 babies, likely born weighing 5 pounds each.
Hmmm I heard you need lots of extra outfits when they are under 6 months because they spit up and drool a lot? I think this is why my mom says I need bibs. I thought the coat might get dirty when they crawl around at the playground and I might need a spare while it is washing?

We do have a washer and dryer, but I am hoping to get away with only doing laundry twice a week. If I can't then I can't, but that is what I am trying to aim for. ;)
Really want to try to get as much as possible now, but if I stick to layering I can use things out of season. For instance short sleeved onsies, a regular sleeper and a coat over them during winter? I am concerned about them being in the wrong season, but here in the south most days are warm and winter is 3 months long. If I have to go out and get smaller /larger coats I can do that. But for instance today I bought 50 outfits for $36 at a fantastic yard sale, including a 6-12 month coat for $0.75.
For seasons I am trying to estimate by their due date, not their actual birthdays,so hopefully they will be close to the right size. As long as the clothes are not completely unwearable for the season, they will be able to wear them at some point! ;)

My girls were 5lbs and 5lbs7oz at birth. I think we were in newborn diapers for 2 months, about a box a week. They were the big boxes you get at Toys R Us of Pampers. We go through a box of 88 (size 4) a week now at 12 months. The first year, most of our clothes were given to us from his mom and my parents. I would not buy your coats in advance. You will not know how much they will grow in the first year to know what size to get them. I always get coats bigger than their size because of putting clothes on under them. Their coats and winter pants for this year are 24 months, because I will have to pile a onsie and a sweater on under it. They can still wear some 6 to 9 months clothing in pants. Shirts it almost has to be 18 months at this point, the few 12 months shirts they have are getting too small. The one thing it seems like we still run out of is onsies, and then socks. Also shoes are funny about sizes. I don't get new shoes for them until they are about to outgrow them. I have 3's that are still too big for them and 4's that are almost too small. According to sizing charts they should be in 4 for their age.

My suggestion is instead of getting everything for the year is get what you need for right now, put the other money away in a savings account and then sell the clothes that look good after they outgrow them on either craigslist or once-upon-a-child and use that money to get their new clothes as you need them.

Edit: I know you don't want to do laundry every day, or even every other day. I do a load every other day, but that is for a family of 7, we also have three boys 14, 14, and 6. You will be surprised how much goes unworn even when you layer them and I didn't have nearly that much. But I am also running out of storage, his mom will see things at the thrift stores and pick them up so I have a bin of 2t, a bin of 3t, and still need to weed out clothes I kept thinking they could wear them this winter and can't.

help PLEASE?

yet to dis

tomorow morning i have my
first baby sitting gig
i want to start off on a good
foot so i just want some good advice
on how to take care of 3 boys
one toddler and one baby
(infant 6-9 months?)
I am thirteen so if i
could have any good advice on how to
keep the boys entertained
as well as keeping the kids safe
and ensuring my own safety
and some good web sites
that have good tips on baby care
like how to feed them, how to
change diapers, etc. that would be great
thanks so0 much =] and please i need
them by tommorow morning
Excuse you AGENT D
but i have had experience
with handeling these boys
just not alone for a full 3 hrs
so im sorry but since you're
no help i think you should just
jeep your rude comments to
you're self!
Excuse you AGENT D
but i have had experience
with handeling these boys
just not alone for a full 3 hrs
so im sorry but since you're
no help i think you should just
keep your rude comments to
you're self!

Boys are easily entertained, make sure you get down to their level. You're young so it shouldn't be too hard. They have a lot of energy, make a game out of picking things up. Get involved (if the baby is not awake or needs attention) and play with them and their toys, ask them what they like to do, be interested in their rooms, toys and interest. As for the baby, that one is easier than the boys. Baby might sleep most of the time but just keep a visual on the baby at all times. Good luck!

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