Thursday, July 25, 2013

What are some fun activities to do with 9-month old?

best infant activity toys
 on keeping a baby occupied can be a big task for parents keeping baby ...
best infant activity toys image


I already do a lot of the standard stuff (play Peek-a-boo, read book, sing songs) but I am always looking for new ways of entertaining and educating my baby girl. Please share your ideas and favorite baby activities with me. Thanks.

My son is 8 and a half months. I love that he is getting more interactive. I throw him on the bed (making very sure that he goes back first). He loves it! I throw him in the air. He LOVES being held upside down!! That is his favorite. When he is in the high chair (with wheels) I spin him in circles.

He is a very gentle boy though and is not as rough as my daughter was at that age. So if he is not in the mood for those games I get him to 'help me make the bed' in the morning. I lay him on the bed and throw the first blanket in the air and let it float down on him. Than I take his feet and slide him out and put him on top of that blanket and to it with the next one. We do this till the whole bed is made.

Another thing we do on my bed is that when he rolls away from me or crawls away (almost crawling, lol), I will pretend to be upset (in a play way) and he gets so excited. I take him and turn him back over onto his back and say "NOW, you stay there!" He grins real big and rolls to his tummy again, lol.. that little twinkle is priceless.

I also get on the floor with him. I play with his toys with him and read books down there... and boy does the world look different from 4 inches off the floor! Gives me whole new ideas for baby proofing the house!

We do alot of cuddle time and when a good song is on the radio, we turn it up and dance. He loves it. Slow or fast songs... he loves it all.

Sometimes I take his hands and do baby sign hand over hand.

For rewards for him listening, I do lots of happy voice and touching his face. He loves having his face touched.

He play this back and forth game with the soother. I put it in his mouth and act like he stole it from me. He does that to me now.. will put his soother in my mouth and grab it back, lol. Too cute!

He learns from all of this. Fun energy is the best way to learn.

OH, infant massage is great too! He is very sensitive on his skin. I tickle him, give him the shivers, give a back rub, or even take one finger and gently trace it all over his skin... he loves that last one, especially when we are cuddling.

Breastfeeding an infant while you have a toddler, any suggestions?


I am currently 7 months pregnant and have a 2 year old. I am a little nervous about breastfeeding my infant because my 2 year old is so demanding and cranky at times. Any suggestions on how to breast feed one baby and still take care of a toddler?

you learn :). With my first I always breastfed sitting or side lying with a pillow for support. With my second I quickly learned how to breastfeed with baby in the crook of one arm while chasing my 16 month old ;). Its just something you adapt to. It also helps to have a comlpetly child proof room with toys and an activity set up for your older child so hopefully you can sit to feed your youngest without worry or having to chase. Reading a book to my oldest while nursing my little one also worked out well. Slings are also invaluable. Just make sure you wear them right. Best of luck! I love my two being so close and wouldn't have it any other way.

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