Friday, July 12, 2013

How to convince parents to let me get kitten?

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 on Baby Ride on Toys - Quad Push Toy
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Q. Hello. I found someone who is giving 8 week old kitten FREE with toys, litter, litter box, food. I Really want it and i showed my dad and he said oh you wanted birds i got birds. and he isnt allergic but he says that in a joking voice. he said theres isnt animals in the house and theyre dirty. It got checked, all clean and got its vaccines. Please help me out ! :D thanks.

If you don't already, you need to prove to your father that you can take on and handle the responsibility of a kitten. Be more responsible around the house, help him with work outside. Hell, if you have to, help with the cleaning around the inside of the house. It's not hard to push a dust rag or handle a vaccumm. These efforts may tell your father that you ARE trying. Before you know it, you may have a new kitten. If you're old enough, mowing grass is a geat start to helping dad around the house too! LOL. But...if it's 98 degrees where you are like it is where I live, to hell with the grass!

Anyway, kittens tend to need more care than adult cats. Like an adult, you'll have to feed it, bathe it, take it to the vet when needed, and of course love it. This will of course be a financial challenge as well. Cat food, vet's bills, and kitty litter are not free. Rest assured, they are not expensive either; at least the food and litter aren't. As an adult, the cat will take care of itself in a manner of speaking.'ll still have to feed it when it's hungry, change the litter boxes, bathe it, all while still LOVING IT. All the cats I've had in my home were bottle fed at one time. I'm 26 years old and have had a cat in the house since I was an infant. When I was old enough, my parents allowed me to take on the responsibilities of caring for them, including the bottle feeding process.

Keep in mind, as long as you love the animal, everything else will become second nature.

Do you rate and review the toys and such that you buy for your baby?


My daughter recieved this awesome toy for her birthday and she loved it. She picked up how to play with it right away. In all the reviews I read online about it.. it said it was a waste of money because baby never got intrested. So i decided to rate the toy since there was nothing positive about it on there. I think i'm going to do it with most of her toys. Haha.

Anyway, Have you or do you rate and review your babys toys and such?

I do- especially if they are good! I want other parents to know the same.

It's funny you mentioned that though- I wrote a review after reading a review on our baby's infant bouncy seat. It's a Baby Einstein...and everyone said that after a time, the music and lights no longer played. We had that problem too and discovered it was because it was not pushed in all the way- and I mean all the way. So, that's what started me with writing a review. I also wrote a review for our SUV recently- because I love it. It's almost 1 now and it's been awesome in any kind of I guess I believe in spreading the word.

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