Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Anyone drive a 4-door car with 2 car seats?

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in wit

How do your carseats fit? We are thinking about ttc sometime next year and right now I drive a 2007 Mazda 3. It will be paid off in April 2011. We don't want to trade it in until its paid off, but if we can get 2 car seats to fit in there, then we won't have to get a new car right away and I like the idea if not having to pay a car loan for awhile.

Right now DD is in a Recaro Signo that is in the middle. I also have a Combi infant seat that we used to have in the middle. My hubby is tall and if we put the Recaro in back of the driver seat, he won't be able to drive unless he drives really squished against the wheel. I am wondering if it would fit with the infant seat rear facing in hte middle and the Recaro in back of the passenger. I havent tried it yet. I guess if I have to, I would rather but narrower car seats then have to buy a new car

we are getting ready to have this same dilemma. I am going to have to put my sons convertible carseat behind the driver. Bc my husband has to have the seat back further. The infant seat in (less than 5 wks) is going behind the passenger side seat. This is only way we can fit in our 4 door explorer. I wish I had two middle seats bc I would feel much better about where my boys are seated. I havent really seen to many ppl try and put infant seat and convertible car seat right next to each other. You can try and see if they are safely installed that way. Im just afraid my toddler might try to hit or throw one of his toys in the baby seat if hes that close to his brother.

Wouldn't it be great if we had more heroes like Christopher Christie?

Foghorn Re

I think its time Politicians stand up to the millions of murders going around.

TRENTON â Gov. Chris Christie, who made his stance against legalized abortion known during the campaign, has remained relatively quiet about social issues, including the debate on abortion.
But Monday, during a rally outside the Statehouse marking the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Courtâs Roe v. Wade decision, Christie spoke to hundreds who weathered bitter temperatures, telling them "this is an issue whose time has come."
Speaking for five minutes without a coat, Christie said "every life is precious and a gift from God."
Christie discussed no changes in policy or altering the judicial system to try to undo state laws on abortions. Christie last year cut funding to womenâs health clinics, most operated by Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion services. While some GOP lawmakers noted the link between Planned Parenthood and abortions, Christie stressed the decision was made to save money in a tough budget year. Democratic lawmakers blasted Christie for the decision, saying the money would not be used for abortions.

What kind of a person cannot control his/her sexual organ anyway. Even if you screw up maybe its time to live up to your responsibility. Isn't that the way it was always done. I mean if you are that irresponsible and that horny just use a sexual toy lol.
Fake Ronald Reagan- I think it would be better if he cracked down on illegals and welfare fraud. Rather then hitting the public workers but you gotta remember this. Public workers get paid way too much and they retire at age 30 to 40. They have huge pensions and what not. I think the crack down should have been done a long time ago. You guys want the guy working for minimum wage to pay their salaries. Its not gonna happen. NJ should declare bankruptcy and lets see where they get their huge checks from.

I support unions but not abusive unions who ask for unreasonable pay and benefits.
Baraccoli - I agree with you too but he did cut SSI and he did stand up to the Liberals. His job is medium at best I mean those state workers are getting paid a lot of money.

10-4. What Progressives do to the unborn infants, they did to blacks during slavery and Jews during their reign in Germany: dehumanize, use, and destroy. Madness has a name in the modern world and what was Nazism last century is Progressivism this century.

Christie has an uphill battle in trying to dismantle the progressive machine as entrenched as they are in the state of New Jersey... and restore America to a self-sustaining level... but I for one will back his play and I hope he exposes every ounce of corruption and every scam they throw at him.

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