Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Having first baby, what should i buy?

Q. I know that sounds dumb, but seriously what are some things to buy for a baby.

A. You will need to buy:

An infant carseat

A stroller

Bottles (2oz or 4oz depending on how much the baby eats)

Bottle brushes

Diaper bag

Diapers (size Newborns, size 1's maybe size 2's)


Either a bassinet or a crib (some people also use a pack n play)

A kit with a nasal aspirator, nail cutter, nail files, thermometer, hair brush and a teether

Baby body wash, lotion and baby powder

Baby towels and wash clothes


Clothes (size newborn, 0-3 months and 3-6 months), baby shoes, socks and mittens

Baby blankets

A bouncer chair

Anything that babies can play with (toys)

list for everything i need for baby?
Q. so my baby is due october 3rd..n i just need help on a list for what all im gonna need for him and how much of it..i have his crib,cradle,bassinet,bouncer n changin table so i have most big things but need help on all the lil things i still need please and thank you.

A. · teething tablets - These are homeopathic and great for relieving teething pain. They can be found at Wal-mart.

· nail clippers - the scissor kind is worthless, get small clippers that look like adult ones

Changing Supplies

· small changing pads

· diapers - don't stock up on too many newborn diapers because most babies don't stay small for long. I love the White Cloud brand at Wal-mart. Buy the big box it's cheaper per diaper.

· wipes - I prefer Parents Choice wipes at Wal-mart. Buy one carton for the container then buy them by the box.

· changing table or countoured changing pad and a cover that can sit on top of a dresser

Bath Supplies

· bath towel - buy two with hoods

· bath toys - plus a plastic cup for rinsing and pouring

· washcloths

· baby soap and shampoo or body wash

· baby lotion

· desitin or corona (Which is for animals and sold at feed supply stores. It has lanolin, which heals diaper rash faster than anything I've ever found. A nurse recommended it to me.)

· soft brush

· infant bath tub or sling - I preferred the sling because the tubs are so hard to store

Feeding Supplies · bottles - 1 or 2 are nice even if you plan on breastfeeding

· binkie

· burp clothes - need 4 to 6 or more if your baby has reflux

· breast pads - actually for Mom. I recommend Lansinoh brand

· formula

· breast pump - I found hand pumps worked better than electric.

you can wait until your baby is four months old before buying these items · plastic bibs - get a small one that fits the baby's neck

· baby spoons - plastic coated ones are the best

· baby food and cereal also plain mashed potato flakes are easy to fix and cheap.

· sippy cup - I like the ones with handles for first time drinkers

Bring home from the hospital

· alcohol pads

· soft brush for scrubbing babies head while bathing - this prevents cradle-cap

· nose aspirator

Sleeping Essentials

· crib

· receiving blankets - buy 4 to 6 because babies need to be wrapped up when they are first born

· sheets - at least two for when your baby poops or throws up on one

Car Basics

· infant car seat

· sun screen for the car window


· clothes - don't buy too many you will receive a lot of 0-3 month clothes at your baby shower. If you get too many which you probably will take them back and buy a bigger size. Figure out how old your child will be the next time the season comes around and buy that size.

· pajamas - buy lots of these, 4 to 6 pairs, because they are easy to change and keep your newborn warm

· onesies

· socks - keep those baby feet warm

Toys and Board Books

· teething rings

· toys with bright colors and music

· balls

· blocks

· rubber toys for chewing

· soft toys for cuddling

· board books - not paper

Great extras

· bounce chair - my son slept in his the first three months because he was elevated and it helped his acid reflux

· swing - some children love these and some don't

· baby carrier - I used to take mine to the grocery store and carry my baby in it so I had my hands free.

· stroller - I used to take my son on walks for exercise.

· bassinet - this is nice because you can keep the baby closer for the first month

· rocking chair - babies love the rocking motion

Total cost estimate for baby's first year?
Q. So I'm 16 and pregnant. My due date is January 28th, 2014. My boyfriend and I are gonna take full responsibility for this baby and pay for everything he/she needs without relying on our parents or taking any government assistance. We'd like to see if anyone has a rough estimate on how much our baby will cost us for the first year? We understand we'll have to provide for him/her throughout their whole childhood, but for now we're wondering around how much it will cost for the first year. I have insurance through Tricare since my father is in the army, so all of our hospital fees are covered by that, including the birth. I am planning on breast feeding and using a breast pump which is also free with insurance, so we won't be needing to pay for formula either. I know eventually I'll have to total it up myself and I know it all depends on what brands of baby products we buy, but for now it'd be nice to have a rough estimate of how much it'll cost us. Include diapers & wipes (I know that's gonna be a lot! haha), clothing, baby food, the nursery set (crib, changing table, etc.), car seat and stroller, toys, baby care items (such as a baby tub, lotion, shampoo, etc.), and any additional items the baby will need. Thank you so much!!
@bby: Yes, we're getting a breast pump for free through my insurance. We aren't formula feeding.
Also, is that estimate with or without hospital and birthing fees? We won't have to pay for those because I have Tricare insurance free since my dad is in the army.

A. Sorry but the person above is so beyond wrong. Having a baby is no where near that cheap. $300 for diapers for a whole year? That's only $25 a month. One box of the cheapest diapers is $32 and you only get about 260 in them which isn't enough for a whole month. All of her calculations are so so wrong. she didn't even include wipes? A baby doesn't have to be super crazy expensive like $20,000, but no way in hell is it less than $2,000 a year.

Buying the cheapest diapers and wipes, its probably about $75 a month. That alone is $900.

You'll need clothes for a whole year, so newborn, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. If you buy used like off of Craigslist, you could probably get by with $50 for newborn (they arent in them long) and $100 for each clothes size, so that's a total of $450.

You'll need Bibs ($75), burp rags ($100), towels ($200), and wash clothes. ($75) so $450

Shampoo, body wash, lotion, You'll probably need about 20 bottles of each for the whole year, so $180

With those things alone its $2,000. That's not even close to half the things you'll need.

I didn't even get into a crib, changing table, dresser, Bassinet, pack n play, swing, bouncer, stroller, infant car seat, baby car seat (yes they're different and you'll need both) high chair, exersaucer, ect. All of which is safe to say another $1,500 if bought cheapest possible.

There's also all the little things like bottles, nuks, diaper rash cream, bedding, blankets, toys, baby monitor, diaper genie, baby bath, sunscreen, baby grooming kit, ect. For a whole year I'd say at least $500

Breast feeding isn't free either. You'll need breast milk storage bags, breast pads, nipple cream, breast feeding cover ups, nursing bras, a nipple shield, special bottles for the breast pump. Easily another $1,000 breast feeding things are way more expensive than you'd think. You'll probably spend $600 alone on storage bags and breast pads.

There's so much more you need I didn't even come close to adding in here. Id say if you buy used and the cheapest stuff possible $7,000-$8,000 is a good estimate. If you buy new things, I'd say about $10,000-$12,000.

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