Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Can you give me some ideas about my toy project?

Q. Can you give me some ideas about my toy project?
I have to design a children's toy. I have to choose an age group, such as infant, 2-5 years, 6-8 years, 8-12 years, 13-14 years etc.
I have to be sure the toy is safe. It has to be a toy that nobody invented yet. The has to be safe as well. I have to make a toy that is enjoyable and also the child has to gain knowledge out of that. For example: My teacher showed me others toys that designed other people. One people drew a bus and on the bus, he put the alphabets. His illistration was-- if you press the buttons with a, b, c, it will say a and it will like it will shine, like you will be able to see light .

Now can you give me an idea, what could I design and how?.
Please help. I know some of my writing you will not undersatnd thats because I am new and I am learning english.
Please help me!!

A. i interned at a preschool for 5 months. ages varied from 3-6
there was no plastic toys there everything came from nature.
and the kids enjoyed playing with them.
from what i know abou child development, you should never really give a child a plastic toy because i prevents them from developing touch because plastic always feels the same. children like to feel if things are smooth or sharp, or the grooves of tree bark.
maybe that doesnt help but try to make something that kids can feel and determine whats going on. it is educational and enjoyable.

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?
Q. I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

A. I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

I am pregnant and it is my first :) i honestly am having trouble knowing what all to go out and buy before the?
Q. baby is born. If you could just add something to my list that may be useful, i would really appreciate it:) Thanks.

A. -alot of onsies and sleepers. me personally i would buy 3-6 month. cause everything you get at ur shower will be Newborn size.

- diapers and wipes....i would buy these at Sams Club. They have them in bulk. you get more for your money and they last alot longer.

-bottles, a bottle warmer (one for car and a travel one for when u go places) a bottle sanitizer, bottle brush, nursery water...or some sort of sterlized bottled water.


-recieving blankets

-fleece blankets

-boppy pellow

-one of those J&J gift sets with the bath stuff in them...First Touch! its in a yellow bag.

-an infant tub, hooded towels, baby wash cloths, tub toys, a toy poutch, tub thermometer.

-a dresser or some kind of storage, those lil storage baskets, and a diaper stacker...some picture frames, baby monitor, and lil toys to put on the dresser.

-crib, the bedding, a matress pad, some kind of music box that attaches to the side, an infant positioner and a mobile

-some source of entertainment for baby....bouncer, playmat, swing.

-car seat and stroller combo...called a Travel System. an extra car seat base.

-baby health and grooming kit...contains. nasal asparitor, clippers, brish, thermometer, some have baby asprin, scratch mits...all depend on the brand. keep a close eye on the size of the nasal asparitor, alot of them are designed to big to fit in babys tiny nose. get you one that has a skinny end on it.

-diaper bag, travel formula despencer, travel size bath set. some wet ones for you and hand sanitizer.

-play yard if shes going from place to place...example sitters, home, grandparents house....they come in handy if you are on the go. AND they serve the same purpose as a bassinet and do they have music boxes, storage compartments, the bassinet cover, and a changing table all right there. and they last up to a yr.

im sure i forgot some things but those are your basic necissitys.!

I hope I helped.!

congrads and good luck with ur lil one.

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