Tuesday, May 20, 2014

7 month old and bath?


My son wont sit still.... hes already crawling an pulling himself up... he is too big for the infant bath and I have one of those bath seats, but dont care for it, as it seems to scratch his legs. He also doesnt like the seat because he cant splash me. I have tried giving him toys and singing songs and whatnot, but he just wants to crawl around the bathtub. I always have one hand on him and the water isnt deep or anything. But he wont sit still... Anyone else been through this... It just makes me nervous.... Anyone have any advice? Thanks bunches and Merry Christmas!
He tends to need at least one bath per day, since he only wants to feed himself. I never thought of taking a bath with him though. Thanks!

Try to take a bath with him. He might enjoy having Mommy right there and could decide to sit, though he might decide to sit on you! If he's not too dirty, you could also try just a sponge bath, and just put him in a bath if he needs his hair washed or he's just eaten a plate of spaghetti and really needs a scrub!

Good toys for baby's first Christmas?


My MIL asked us about what we wanted for our son for Christmas. It's a hard question right now because he's only 3 months old and not quite ready to play with toys yet. His wants and needs are still pretty simple right now, although he is enjoying his time in the swing more and spending more time looking at his mobile. He already has some rattles, teething rings, a few bath toys, and stuffed animals but not much else. Any parents have suggestions for good toys for a 3-12 month old? I figure we might as well ask for some slightly older toys as well, we can always store them in the closet until he's old enough to play with them.

Push toy
Soft blocks
Stacking rings
Bath toys
Anything labeled 0 - 12 months!

Most toys are labelled what age they are appropriate for. Many of the 18+ month toys are also great for kids 12 months old, since they advance at different levels.

By 12 months your baby will almost certainly be crawling, but may be walking and speaking their first word and signing perhaps another 5 (if you start teaching baby sign language at 7 months). So that covers a very wide toy range, from infant to toddler.

Perhaps a good way to go is to focus on crawler toys. Things used before the toddler stage, but that may encourage walking.

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