Saturday, March 15, 2014

What toys would you recommend for 5 months old baby boy?

Jayden was

I want to buy him a present for his 1st Christmas but have no idea. He'll be 5 months 11 days on Christmas day.


Lamaze baby toys are really highly rated on You'll get lots of great ideas if you use Amazon look under toys and then select birth - 24 months. You may want to sort by Avg. Customer Review

When he's able to stand, my niece and nephew loved the LeapFrog Learn & Groove musical Table that I gave them.

Good luck.

A baby doll question?


My daughter is biracial (white/African American) but she is VERY light skined, she looks like she is white but has a really great tan, I was trying to get her a baby doll that is similar to her color and I found one called the Stella baby doll in beige and one called rosy cheeks baby doll in tan. I was just wondering if anyone has these dolls and which one they liked better or if any others are a good doll that represents a biracial child.

baby stella in beige has good reviews on amazon.

K's kids Barbara looks biracial also.

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