Saturday, March 15, 2014

Could someone recommend infant/toddler toy websites?


I'm looking for companies that sell American made toys. Preferably for infants and toddlers. I've already been to the Melissa and Doug website. I'm just looking for more. Thanks for your help.

Here's a whole list of them. Not exclusively infants and toddlers

Good toys for Infants or young toddlers?


I work at a day care center with children
ages 12 months to 18 months.
What are some good toys for a group of children this age.
Ones that do not take batteries.

Thanks for any help!

I think your doing great by first doing research on the toys. This year I have heard so many toy recalls already and we are not even in the month of December yet. So continue to do research on the toys.

But here's a few I have found that are popular:
* Large building bricks
* Ride-on vehicles
* Push and pull toys - with these two I have seen at Walmart a sturdy wagon type with large, rounded lego type blocks. So the toddler can take the blocks and put in wagon and push it and take them out and put them together and on and on.

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