Monday, March 10, 2014

Frist Road Trip?


We're going on our first road trip next month with our son, who will be 5 1/2 months. We'll be traveling from Alexandria, VA to Ocala, FL and back in a two week period.

Does anyone have any advice on what to bring/how to pack/places to stop or stay along the way? Any help would be really appreciated!! Thanks so much!!!

Thanksgiving we travelled from Gulfport, MS to Stafford, VA my baby was 8 months old

-Bring new toys definitely. This will entertain the baby.
-Not all places have changing tables, I found this out so be prepared to change in the car. Buy baby diaper disposal bags. They are the little bags to put dirty diapers in, you can find them at walmart. This helped a lot!
-Are you renting a car.... one thing that helped was that we rented a Yukon and even in my son's infant seat he could see outside. Really nice when passing through SC, NC, and VA in the daytime. It was also fall when we made the trip. It was beautiful.
-One thing that was VERY helpful was bringing a box with things you will need on hand. I put diapers and wipes, formula, water, and bottles, snacks, etc. I put in on the floor where the carseat was. Anytime I needed something I could just grab it as opposed to opening a diaper bag.
-Be prepared to make lots of stops when baby is cranky. A little 10 min walk in a rest area would calm my baby down before getting back in the car.
-When baby is asleep in the car make stops minimal! Your baby might wake up during these stops and will not be happy.

Good Luck & Have Fun!

I need road trip tips for toddlers.?

This girl

I need ideas on what to bring with me on a two day road trip for a 1 1/2 year old boy and a almost 3 year old girl I have a list made out but I know I'm forgetting stuff I can just feel it but can not think of it. So I need ideas on off the wall stuff or most common left behind that should not of been . help a momma out please I only have three weeks to get everything planes packed and on the road.

Small pillows for the car
Tooth brush and paste
Hair brushes
music CDs for car
Security item, if they have one
Meds( infant and children's Tylenol)
Band aides
DVD player for the car

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