Friday, December 20, 2013

What is a typical day for a 6 month old?

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Q. My baby is turning 6 months in a few days. What is a typical day for a 6 month old? How do you spend time with them, how to you help them learn, how do they play, what things do they do? What is a healthy fun learning day for a 6 month old?

•Always look your baby directly in the eye when talking and interacting with him. Studies have shown that this assists language development and it can also help with discipline as your child becomes older!
•Support your baby emotionally when encountering strangers or new surroundings - let him warm up slowly if he is experiencing stranger anxiety. This encourages your baby to develop a happy and trusting view of the world
•Offer a variety of toys such as blocks, rattles, stacking toys, and books so your baby can practice developing her fine motor skills with his hands.
•Your baby most likely wants to put everything in his mouth. Provide plenty of safe, easy to clean toys for him to do this.
•Place interesting toys just out of reach to encourage your baby to move towards them. You can do this when your baby is sitting or on his tummy.
•Provide toys which make sounds when moved or squeezed as your baby is learning about cause and effect at this age
•As your baby begins to be confident at sitting he will want to grab at interesting objects. Make sure there are a few books and toys within easy reach so he can practice this skill
•Now that he is becoming more confident at grasping objects his hand-eye coordination will also improve. He will now be able to hold a toy and take a good long look at it by twisting and turning it in his hand. Provide a variety of toys which are easily held in his small hands.
•Babies love bubbles. By blowing bubbles he will improve his hand-eye coordination as he reaches out to pop them with his hands
•At this age babies also enjoy pop up toys. These toys also help develop strength and coordination in his arms.

What are good educational toys for a 6 month old?


My daughter will be 6 months in December and I want buy my daughter educational toys. Does anyone have any good recommendations on any?

Anything that sings, talks, count, lights up, soft teddy bears so they can learn how to be affectionate to and yes baby leap is the best they have more choices.

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