Friday, December 20, 2013

To mothers of infants 6-12 months old i need particapents for school please?

best infant toys 6-12 months
 on best rated baby toys for 6 12 months 1 answers
best infant toys 6-12 months image


Here are some questions that i wish you would be willing to answer about your infant. Just explain if you agree or not. Also if you could put what age your child was.

Thanks in advance

·Sits unaided- spends more time in upright position
·May be able to crawl
·May be able to climb stairs
·Develops eye-hand coordination
·Prefers primary caregivers
·May cry when strangers approach
·Commonly exhibits anxiety when parent or caregiver leaves
·Pats own reflection in the mirror
·May push away things not wanted (e.g., bottle, toys)
·Begins to “play” with adults
·Babbles to himself or herself
·Puts everything in mouth
·Solves simple problems (e.g., will move obstacles aside to reach object)
·Transfers from hand to hand
·Responds to changes in environment and is able to repeat actions that cause change (e.g., sound of rattle)
·Drops objects repeatedly
·Fascinated with small objects
·Begins to respond to words

These are three theories. Please tell me which on u agree withand why

Freud’s first stage of psychosexual development is the oral stage, which lasts from birth to about 15 months. In this stage, the id, which contains all the basic needs and feelings, is dominant. The ego, the rational part of the mind, is under formation due to the development of body image and delay of gratification. Body image is developed as the infant realizes that the body is distinct from the outer world. The infant also gradually realizes that gratification is not immediate and that it has to produce certain behaviors to initiate actions that lead to gratification. The key experience in this stage is weaning, which leads to the child’s first feeling of loss, and the baby’s awareness of self. Success during this stage leads to the formation of independence and trust, whereas too much or too little gratification can lead to an immature or passive personality.

Erick Erickson’s theory states that children from 0-12 months of age are in stage one of psychosocial development. This stage is called the oral sensory stage. Erickson believes that neonates at this stage can experience Trust or Mistrust. Trust meaning infants live through and love through their mouths. In the trust stage parents will respond to the infants needs with consistency and continuity, infants believe the world is a safe place. Mistrust can occur with parents who are overly protective; child will be overly trusting and gullible. Child cannot believe that anyone would harm them

Piaget is best known for his cognitive development theory. The first scheme of his theory is the Sensorimotor and this scheme is divided into four different stages 0-12 months. During this scheme Piaget believes that infants develop their primary circular reactions such as sucking, staring, listening, ad grasping objects during the first six months. From 6-12 months Piaget has called this stage the secondary circular reactions. This is where the infant is more aware of objects and people. The infant will also respond to the object or person.

Which I agree with and why? I believe that all three have truth to them and all are valid. As a general rule I tend to agree more with Piaget's theories (for infants as well as older children). His theory seems to be the most balanced and insightful with out trying to impose any other theory on top of it. Like I said, though, I do believe that all three views contain truth.

Freud is correct that too much or too little gratification can lead to an immature or passive personality, and that the id is the primary driving force for an infant. Freud is almost always, especially in this case, incorrect about a development of body image and the focus of the child being just on gratification. Since all of Freud's theories stem from an idea of gratification, though, it makes sense for him that he says this.

Erickson is correct that infants can and do experience trust and mistrust. Mistrust also occurs, however, when an infant's needs are not met (example: feeding on a schedule instead of demand, CIO).

Piaget's theory is focused primarily on fact, not in interpreting those facts, and he is correct.

I'm 14 and i got a 13 year old pregnant?


I'm 14, i had sex with my 13 year old best friend who is a girl, i asked if i should do it or not on here a couple week ago, most people said i shouldn't, I'm sorry i didn't listen to those guys :'( someone please help what should i do should i tell my parents??? Can i get arrested because we're underage? She wants to keep the baby, but that means i will loose my education looking after it please help me

No you can't get arrested at least not in the US if one were an adult and the other a minor it would be different but the law is the least of your worries just hope her father doesn't shoot you. Hope she doesn't call rape. You will not lose your education looking after the baby, see your high school guidance counselor for information on what you can do. As the father you actually have no say she can literally abort your baby and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. I found out from the bottom website that you do have a right if paternity is established to prevent a third party adoption but you need legal representation. As for what to tell your parents. Tell them the truth. Come up with a plan first how much is it going to cost to feed, clothe, and childcare for the baby. How will you finish your education, get your guidance counselors help? Your childhood is officially over even if she aborts or the baby is given up for adoption or miscarries you will never be the same ever again there is no easy way out and no way out. Best case scenario Clothes $5.00 a bag prior seasons clothes thrift store in the spring or maybe the charity will have compassion on you and give you what you need. $10.00 yard sale play yard to sleep baby. $6.00 for 30 off brand disposable diapers think 60 diapers a week, or go cloth if babysitter. daycare is willing to use. Baby wash 1 tsp baking soda to 8 oz water. Baby safe detergent use homemade detergent (1 bar grated soap dissolved in 5 gal hot water) and vinegar to soften, clean, disnfect and remove odors recipies on line. Blend your own baby food or go on WIC they will provide you with formula.
Stay off the drugs (both to keep parental rights and to get into the military) graduate high school at an accelerated rate by age 17 and join the military family housing allowance free insurance (does not include dental) food allowance and clothing allowance it isn't a glamorous job and you will still qualify for food stamps but your family will be taken care of. You need at the very minimum 5 sets of clothes per baby per 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 month size and at least two warm sweaters or something. 24-36 month shirt is a newborn night gown and size 2 capris are 6 month pants cause of the diaper difference when you change to panties. You can get these clothes from a charity or a friend sho's kid outgrew it. Toys will be the least of your worries the only toys they really need are a binky and hard rubber teething ring, they love to play with non toys like matching socks and stacking measuring cups. The best infant soother out there is the womb sounds bear which you should give your child even if given up for adoption because it reminds them of the comfort of the womb and will be the only piece of you that s/he will have. You and the baby and best friend will qualify fro food stamps and WIC and clothing programs by charities. Your baby momma will need at least two maternity outfits one dress and one pair pants. Maybe her dress and shirts will stretch with her. Ask a relative like your grandmother if she can sit for you for nothing. I was older when I got pregnant before marriage and I know how tough it can be telling Dad and Mom first develop your own plan and then get your parents in on it and listen to their plan. You have a right to keep your child. And you can finish school I am 30 with three kids and I am still in college and I graduate next spring it is tough but not impossible. I owe all my financial stability to the military and I recommend that you join. You don't have to make a career out of it but it will set you on your feet financially and help you provide for your kid. Medicaid will cover all pre and post natal appointments and the birth.

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