Friday, October 4, 2013

How likely is it that my husband will get custody of his daughter?

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 on Where to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 3 Baby Toys 2011-2012
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Janet Amei

My husband has partial custody of his one year old daughter. He gets her every weekend as ordered by the court. Well when she was 6 months old she got a yeast infection and blamed my husband saying he needs to use the same diapers and wipes that she uses but we kept using the same wipes and diapers and it hasn't happened to her again. Then in October she started to get sick her mom called us on tuesday and asked if we still wanted her on friday even though she was sick. We told her yes. Then that friday be got a call that she went to the er because she started wheezing. The doctor said she had bronchitis. The doctor gave her a nebulizer. or so that is what her mother told us. they said they would bring her over after the hospital. she called 10 minutes later and said she wasnt letting my husband have his visit because she was sick. That was contempt of court and the attorney told her if she does it again she will be in alot of trouble. After that his daughter came over with a cold every other weekend. In the begining of december. she had a cold that turned to an ear infection. Then She had a fever of 104 on christmas night and went to the hospital. no one told my husband til this past weekend. Her mom said the doctor at the er gave her a med to give her ever four hours as needed. But she ripped of the pharmacy name from the lable and the expiration date. We read the bottle and notice that the perscription was filled on december 26 2011 over a year ago. we refused to give it to her. I dont understand why she would tell us to give her a med that was a year old. And a mutual friend told us that the moms house is messing and that she blames it on the baby. plus the baby came here a few weeks ago with a bruises that can not be explained by her moms simple "She fell on a toy" and shes always coming over with cat sctratches on her legs. we take pictures of everything but my husband is geting worried that she is not in a healthy environment and want to try to get costudy of her. What are his chances?
Kit Kat: It is not anger that we are dealing with its worry for her safety. And we've already gone to parenting classes.

You should stay out of it. This is between the Mom and Dad. Be supportive of him but do not go to court, do not get involved with the doctors. If you start playing a role in this, it will make co-parenting all the more difficult for the Mom and dad over the next 18 years.

First of all - when a little baby like that is very sick then visitation can and should be cancelled. It is one of the ONLY reasons a parent is allowed to cancel visitation.

Dad should try to work with the Mom, not battle or try to build a car against her. If he refuses to work with him to figure out why the baby is sick all the time, why the prescription bottle was torn up, etc, then he should schedule a hearing in family court to address the matter. It is not a matter of who gets custody. The family court will likely allow both Mom and dad to have equal parental rights. I think what you are asking is if they might order that the baby should live with Dad. Likely, they wil give Mom ample opportunity to improve her parenting and the environment the baby lives in.

I need help creating a Subvertisment Idea?


Please help!!! I need an idea for a project in my digital toolbox class. I need to use photoshop to merge together at least 3 images to provoke an idea or message. Like choosing an issue in society and using a brand to extort it.

For example:

An image of an overweight kid standing in front of McDonalds to show that McDonalds will make you fat and causes obesity in children.

An image of a hand tattooing a baby a picture of a Disney character to provoke the message that Disney is forced into our childhood minds from birth.

A slogan would be helpful too since we have to make one...

Thank you!!!

How about some product related to getting/staying slim - Diet Coke, 'Lite' .... whatever is common in your country eg. stocked to the hilt on the kitchen shelves, but the family is obese & lazy ?

Watching supermodels walk the ramp & trying to emulate their figure, etc. by becoming anorexic ? You could show magazines with Size 0 model photos, posters in the room, etc. while the girl tries to emulate in front of a mirror.

Something similar with Health drinks, sugar-free foods, etc....

New gadgets from Apple that kids get hooked on or enticed by ? Almost a status symbol too, with people lining up for hours/days in front of stores before a new launch...

Movie franchises & their related products - whether toys, masks, clothes, or whatever - kids dreaming of Being that character & trying dangerous stunts or picking up wrong attitudes/habits ?

Hope these spark off ideas...

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