Monday, September 30, 2013

What are some signs of autism in infants, for people who have an autistic child?

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We are concerned about our son and have been researching it, but havent found anything specifically about toddlers behaviors. Mainly just yournger children.
I meant toddler. Sorry.

The most obvious symptom is delayed speech. Normal speech development is babbling by 6 months, first words by 1 year, 40-50 words and putting words together by 2 years. It's okay to be a little behind average, but being excessively behind could be cause for concern. In the case of Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, there is no speech delay, which makes it harder to detect in early childhood. Many doctors will not diagnosed Asperger's before age 4-5.

Other symptoms may be very subtle and difficult to distinguish from normal toddler behavior - toddlers aren't exactly known for their social grace! And the presentation of symptoms will vary from person to person. That said, here are some things to look out for:

- little interest in communication or other children
- lack of eye contact
- indifference to facial expressions and tone of voice
- little or no pointing
- difficulty taking turns
- less responsive to his name
- little or no imaginative play, alone or with others
- obsessive interests or fixations (a TV show or book, for example)
- repetitive or compulsive behavior (such as lining up toys)
- need for routine and sameness
- poor motor coordination
- slow to reach motor milestones like crawling and walking
- sensory sensitivities
- negative reaction to certain seemingly harmless stimuli (being cuddled, certain food textures, some fabrics, etc.)
- easily overwhelmed in highly stimulating places like grocery stores. This may lead to meltdowns or becoming withdrawn.

Why is my 7 month old baby so emotionless and mean?


She is 7 months old. She doens't like to be with me. She won't hug me or give kisses. She get frustrated VERY easily and hits her toys. She won't let me hug her. It's as if she were indifferent around me, or anyone else for that matter. Is this normal behavior for an infant?

baby is not suppose to be emotionless babies for a very strong bond with the person who takes care of them most, an emotionless baby is def. a sign of autism

Among the early signs and symptoms that parents and Pediatricians look for to alert them that a child needs further evaluation for autism include:

•not smiling by six months of age
•not babbling, pointing or using other gestures by 12 months
•not using single words by age 16 months
•not using two word phrases by 24 months
•having a regression in development, with any loss of language or social skills
Infants with autism might also avoid eye contact, and as they get older, act as if they are unaware of when people come and go around them

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