Monday, September 16, 2013

When will my infant start playing with toys?

10 best infant toys
 on shiping Cater's 10pis Baby Toys hand toy foot toy baby ring-in Baby ...
10 best infant toys image

Jadahs mom

I was wondering when will my baby Jadah start sitting up on her own and playing with her toys? She is 3 months old and Ive tried to introduce rattles to her and little bears. Also could she be teething ?...
She always has her hands in her mouth and slobbing She also like to chew on her clothes to where the front of her shirt in soaking wet.
thanx everyone!

My son noticed his toys at about 10 weeks...and started batting & slapping at them (on his activity mat) at about 11-12 weeks. He hasn't yet been able to sit up on his own, nor is he able to hold onto a toy and play with it yet...but I suspect it will be soon.

Get some teething keys or gumming toys...your child might like those, since she is chewing on everything right now. BTW, this behavior is completely normal!

Do you think its inappropriate to shower with a 10 month old?


I am a woman and have a 10 month old daughter. Today I wanted to try something new and took her to shower with me, to see if she liked it because if so I would shower her sometimes. She didn't like it and the water scared her so I took her out. Do you think thats inappropiate?

I have been showering with my twin girls since their birth 2 years ago. We didn't want to get an infant tub, and we didn't have a bathtub either, just a shower. They loved it. When they were starting to get mobile it was a little harder to hold their squirmy bodies, but now that they can stand, they stand in the shower with me. We have a shower seat and it acts as their "table" in the shower because they put their toys on it and play while I shower, and then I wash them one at a time. It saves a lot of time honestly.

My son is 9 months old, and I shower him, too. My husband does as well.

I read that around 1 year is when you should stop being naked with a baby of the opposite gender. So around 1 year I'll stop showering with my son. I think that's appropriate.

If you have a detachable shower head, try letting her hold it to see if that makes her feel better about it. Be careful, though, because she could accidentally spray herself in the face and that won't be good. Make sure you bring in some bath toys, too, or even some new ones.

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