Wednesday, September 18, 2013

what is the best gift for an ucle to give his newborn nephew?

best newborn infant toys
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ronny t

my sister just recently had a baby boy, which by my luck was born on my birthday. my sister was already given all the essentials, such as bottles, formula, ect. and since im the uncle and its a boy i want to be the one to get him the best things. i want to spoil him. what would be the best gift for a newborn boy?

Here are some things I found to be absolutely amazing with a newborn/young infant: (sorry the links aren't clickable, just copy/paste them to see what they are) (I believe these are available at Babies R Us now) OR
I think that's so cool you want to spoil your nephew and be the "cool" uncle. I think you're already on your way. OH-- and as he gets older, and your sister gets more comfortable with being away from him, offer to babysit, spend time with him one on one, or just visit him often. My boys love my husband's brother- he doesn't spend a lot of money on them, but he spends TONS of time with them, and is always willing to go to the park and play in the dirt with them, take them to movies, McDonald's, or the zoo. They worship the ground he walks on, and the world stops when he comes over, simply because he's their favorite toy. :)

What do I need to get ready for a newborn baby this winter?


What are the most important items that an expectant new mother would need to get in order to prepair for a newborn baby boy or girl, and when should I start buying these items?

I have 3 lil ones age 10 years, 5 years and 9 months. These were my top items ...

1. Boppy (amazing for breast or bottle feeding)

2. Swaddler blankets...they make cotton ones or fleece ones depending on the time of year. I've used both and they are GREAT. Make baby feel all wrapped up and comfortable

3. Lots of soft onsies or pajamas. Newborns tend to be even smaller then you think they will be. I would suggest getting at least 1 or 2 preemie size. All my babies were normal average size ..and they still needed preemie size for the first week or 2.

4. Depending on where you are going to have baby sleeping you will need something. My favorite was a bassinet. I could keep it close to my bed for all those late night feedings. Plus i felt better having them near me where i could hear them breathe. Plus most bassinets are moveable so you can move it to a different room if you want to watch them as they nap.

5. DIAPERS DIAPERS DIAPERS. Whether you choose disposable or cloth you should have LOTS of them. If you are going for disposable i would say get 2 packs of newborn size with the umbilical cord cutout spot. Then a few big packs of size 1 and lots of BABY WIPES!! Can't have to many of these ...

6. A diaper bag for all your needs ...diapers, change of clothes, diaper cream..wipes...bottles if you go that route..a pacifier (if you decide to use one) etc...

7. Blankets...receiving blankets, thicker blankets...muslin swaddler blankets...sheets for crib/bassinet...

8. Cloth diapers for everything...i bought the birdseye cloth diapers and used them as spit up rags..chew on rags...whatever you may need them for they are super absorbant and easy to wash!

9. Some type of lil baby tub w/ sling for newborn babies ...washclothes...and some type of new baby wash

10. MUST HAVE INFANT CAR SEAT. You cannot bring baby home from the hospital without a car seat. You can get one that matches and attached to a stroller (travel system) as well if you would like.

The rest is mainly lil clothes you like...the fun stuff just cause you wanna have it =) toys ...adorable lil socks...etc...HATS ..would be good for a winter towels...bottles if you go that route...

I loved having a swing for my babies...and a rocker bouncy seat thing...a safe place to set baby when you can't hold them 24/7

its also good to have a "first aid" nail clippers...nose syringe...they usually come in a kit with hairbrushes and all that.

As far as when to buy these can start as early as you like. I stocked up on a lot throught the pregnancy when i would see things i liked on sale.


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