Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How to help a teething baby???

best infant teething toys
 on Baby Teething Toy - smart reviews on cool stuff.
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I need some ideas on how to help a 6 month old baby get some relief from the pain of teething. We have tried infants tylenol, teething tablet, teething rings, but none of these have worked. Any ideas??

I would continue to use the Tylenol ever 4 hrs. so long as your doctor says it is ok. Also, try wetting a wash cloth and then letting your baby suck on it. If he does not mind very cold things you could refrigerate it for a little while. My little guy loved to suck on a clean wet wash cloth. I have found that distraction is one of the best methods! Give your baby a bath, take him/her on a walk outside, take them to the park or the backyard and put them in a swing, get them interested in their favorite toys and you play with them.
Also, I have pasted a website below that gives some different ideas to help ease the pain a teething baby is going through. This time will pass as well. Those first few teeth seem to be the hardest. I do hope that your little one feels better soon!

What toys are appropriate for the first year?


What toys -- if any -- are appropriate for infants? Do infants really play with toys or is it more a matter of peek-a-boo, etc. All the "toys" that I see for babies seem to be either teething items or "clutch" toys (not sure if these do anything more than just give baby something to hold). Seems like you wouldn't need a special toy for that. Any thoughts?

My son never likeed any of those infant toys. He did use the doorway bouncer, walker, exersaucer quite a bit. Also a baby gym, board books and that lullaby seahorse thing. Also there is this turtle that puts stars on the ceiling... Turtle star night light

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