Monday, September 23, 2013

How much should I feed Tender Golden Sweet Potatoes (Beech-Nut) to a baby?

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The baby is 6 months now; This is the first time she'll be eating solids.
So I just got this sweet potatoes from Beech-Nut, and I'd like to know how much should the baby have each day.. I've searched a lot, but never found an answer.

If you know the answer to my question, please help me out.

Thanks much.

You should start with 1 tablespoon and watch for problems...then you can increase with your baby's appetite. Here is a guideline that I was given from a friend who got it from a naturopath. You can also offer small amounts of water between feedings (not more than 1-2oz)

The guideline says to start with 1tbs of new food, and introduce no more than 1 new food every 3 days. Watch for reactions such as irritability, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, colic, gas, runny nose and watery eyes. Solid food should always follow breast milk as this is sill your infant's main protein source.

Foods to introduce at 6 months include...
Carrots, yams, apples, peas, sweet potatoes, prunes, blueberries, apricots, squash, peaches and plums. All food should be cooked and blended and filtered water should be offered.

9 months
Green beans, cherries, blackberries, grapes, rice, kiwi, pears, papaya, banana, avocado, spinach, swiss chard, asparagus, potatoes, artichoke and millet.
Again all food cooked except for bananas and avocados and blended.

12 months
Oatmeal (blended), honey, molasses, broccoli, cauliflower, barley, onions (well cooked), nut milks, garlic (well cooked), ground flax seeds, organic goat cheese, orgnaic goat yogurt, cucumber, sprouted beans/legumes and tahini.

18 months
organic poultry, fish (salmon/tuna), tomatoes, turnip, eggplant, parsnips, peppers, buckwheat, mushrooms, chickpeas, sprouted wheat, organic lamb, organic yogurt, kelp, rye,corn and oranges.

21 months
orgnaic cheese, organic eggs, organic wheat, lentils and all beans.

2 years
All other foods.

EDIT: It is also very important that you breastfeed or formula feed BEFORE you give the solid foods. A baby's main source of nutition under the age of 12 months should be the breast milk or formula, as this is their main souce of protein, and protein is very important in growth and development. The solid foods are simply a toy, an activity, something for them to learn, not a source of nutrition. If they eat the solid food first, then they don't have room for the milk/formula and run the risk of malnutrition. If you formula/breast feed first and then off the solid 30min-60min later, this will ensure they get the most important part first.

Best of luck!

How has your life changed after having a baby?

Rosie - mo

A few of mine:

1. I no longer carry a purse.....either a diaper bag or just my wallet!
2. I'm always broke
3. I no longer eat warm meals
4. I rarely go out with friends or on dates with hubby
5. I feel bad for parents whose kids are screaming, instead of feeling annoyed
6. I have never been so happy to get home from work, to see a wonderful toothless smile everyday!!!

Oh man how has life changed..... a shorter list would be how has your life stayed he same!

I no longer 'party' all the time or even any of the time. now my social life is going to mom and baby swim, and visiting with some of the girls we met at our infant massage and baby food making classes.

I cleaned my house at least once a week (usually 2 or 3 times) with bleach now I wont use any chemicals in my house, I either use homemade cleaners or natural cleaners. and making sure my house is 100% spotless and germfree.... I'm very very lucky if I can do that once a week, and the laundry? I honestly don't think I have been dirty laundry free since the day I came home from the hospital with my son.

I buy organic foods (to stay away from chemicals again...) FRESH foods, before i would make HUGE meals that were all packaged processed, chemical filled junk. I make baby food

I planted a HUGE garden to can and freeze as much as I can.... (never had I even cared about gardening, why would I waste my time doing that when I can just buy it?)

I want to buy a cow so I am sure it is range fed and not pummped full of chemicals and hormones. (but I still can't get over the thought of raising and killing it....)

The only time I get warm food is when I sneek a taste while i am cooking it.

When I have 'extra' money it goes to new clothes or a new toy.

I will do anything no matter how dumb I look to get a smile and a laugh out of my son, the only times I find it embarassing is when I forgot about my surroundings and find myself singing (a dumb made up song) for my son and a group of stranges.

I don't swear (or try as hard as I can to remember not to)

I not skinny.... :(

on some nights I find myself in bed at 9pm, before I got pregnant I was just getting ready to go out at 9

and the big HUGE one......
I talk to my in laws!

I have never been so tired, broke and domestic in my life! But I have also never EVER been so happy and content to be me!!

LMAO I'm with the lady under me I haven't tweezed my brows in forever either!! and I think I've done my make up one maybe twice in the last 8 months!

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