Thursday, September 26, 2013

How do you manage the time between your baby and housework?

best infant walker toys
 on best educational toys for toddlers: Baby Walker with the Pattern ...
best infant walker toys image


I am a new mom. My daughter is 3 months old.
My baby doesn't like to be alone.
At home I have to to houseworks too, cooking, cleaning, etc
She cries when I put her in her crib, even when I have to go to the toilet for a while.
It's still difficult for me to manage the time between parenting and doing houseworks.
Do you have experiences like I have?
Please share yours
Thank you so much

When my kids were this little, I'd put them in a sling and get stuff done and they were happy being with mommy. However, when they got older I'd put them in the walker while I was cleaning/ cooking. I'd also put them in the play pen with some toys. This way- they learn to entertain themselves. This helps as they grow older into toddler stage. Also, what helps alot is clean as you go so that you won't have to have a big cleaning session later on. For example while you're waiting for spaghetti sauce to boil tidy up the counters or wipe down chairs real quick. Wipe down the microwave immediately after using it, so stuff doesn't stick on it and it takes longer to clean up later. After dinner, rinse off dishes and immediately stick them in the dishwasher so food doesn't stick making it harder to clean later. Wipe the table immediately afterwards. If you use bottles, rinse them out immediately and stick them in the dishwasher instead of letting them pile up. I made it part of my routine after feeding baby. Laundry- see if your husband/ partner can help with this. Throw a load in the washer and then in the dryer and when it's done drying stick it in a laundry basket and have dad help fold/ put away. I was very very OCD when I had my kids, still am. I eventually made a schedule for everything- cleaning, cooking, laundry WHILE it was baby's playtime. My kids were infants I'd take a cat nap while they napped. There for a while, I thought I'd never get any sleep. That's when I got sleep- was while they were asleep. And if they were still asleep when I woke up I'd use that time to fold/ put away laundry. It's a tough job being a stay at home mom but if you make yourself a little time management chart, it's a lot easier. Maybe once or twice a week, get a friend to watch the baby while you do big time cleaning like bathrooms and vacuuming. But be very VERY organized in order to keep everything flowing smooth. Everything has a home. Categorize everything in your home and get rid of unnecessary items that take up space in the home. Excess items and "stuff" just makes the house seem more cluttered and this is when stress sets in. Baby doesn't need a thousand toys to be happy especially at this age. Manage your space in order to manage your time. Get those little cubbies with those canvas bins. This helps me a TON. I have one in every room and closet. Just get organized in both space and time and you'll be OK.

What are the basic things that a baby need before they are born?


This is my first pregnancy. I am due January 21, 2008. I am having a baby boy and a very happy mother-to-be. There are so many things out there for babies. What items do I really need and what can my baby do without???? Please help!!!!

You are smart for asking this: it will save you a lot of money and a lot of space (from all the useless items you won't have laying around!)
From personal experience you
1.) LOTS of diapers and wipes
2.) Baby wash (most of them can double as shampoo)
3.) bottles (if bottlefeeding) pacifiers
4.) clothing, of course... lots of socks... they go missing.
5.) a diaper bag to carry everything
6.) a carseat (very important!) Get a good one! Get the baby head supporter thing... it's a must.
7.) a stroller is a must unless you plan on being stranded at the house all the time... and for sanity sake, you'll want to get out.....
8.) crib or basinette and blankets.
9.) a little baby chair, like a bouncy seat... those are great
10.) a little infant bathtub


1.) a jumper or a walker - waste of money
2.) a playpen... it is not a must if you have the baby chair, they've usually got straps to keep the baby secure. Those pens just take up space and later on when you're baby is older they'll just scream whenever you put them in there. I think we used ours twice. If you have a crib, use that instead.
3.) a highchair... don't buy one yet. You won't need it for months and there are many other things you'll need to get right now. When you do get one, get one of the chairs that fits into the dining chairs you've already got... huge spacesaver, just as good!
4.) the door swing jumper thing... DANGEROUS! My son just kept hitting his head on the door frame. Avoid this!
5.) An activity mat. Those things are like $30. Know what works just as well? A blanket on the floor with some toys spread about... plus it seems to prompt baby to crawl sooner that way, or it did for us anyway.
6.) And lastly, a changing table is not a must. If you have one then that's okay. They're not bad, and later, when the baby is older you can use it as a stuffed animal shelf or something. But if you don't have one, don't stress. We've had one the whole time and honestly we changed him on our bed more than anything.

GOOD LUCK and congrats!!

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