Thursday, May 2, 2013

Help with Greek translation needed.?

Q. Hi. We are traveling to Greece with our baby this summer and I need help translating some phrases from English to Greek. These phrases are all related to my baby and when I say 'her' or 'she' it refers to my daughter. Anything in parenthesis is for clarification and does not need to be translated to Greek. I know there are a lot of phrases here, so please translate whichever phrases you can. You can also email me at if you prefer. Thanks!

I need to change her clothes.
I need to change her diaper.
Her diaper is dirty.
Where can I change her diaper?
I need to buy diapers.
What size are these diapers?
I don’t know if they (diapers) will fit her.
I need to buy wipes (disposable baby wipes).
She is tired.
She needs to take a nap.
She is asleep.
Please be quiet (because the baby is sleeping).
Please do not wake her.
She is hungry.
I need to feed her.
I did not bring enough food for the baby.
I need to buy food for the baby (baby food / baby formula).
She cannot eat that.
She eats infant formula (baby formula).
She eats baby food (jarred pureed baby food).
I did not breastfeed her (when she was born).
I do not breastfeed her (now).
This is her bottle (baby bottle).
This bottle (baby bottle) is dirty.
I need to clean her bottle (baby bottle).
She wants her pacifier.
I need to clean her pacifier with water.
Her pacifier fell (to the ground).
Can we bring the stroller there?
Is there an elevator?
We will need to carry the stroller up the stairs.
We will need to carry the stroller down the stairs.
I cannot take the stroller there (due to access).
I will carry her (in my arms).
He will carry her (in his arms).
Can you carry her? (in your arms)
Can you hold her for a moment?
Where can I put the stroller?
I do not want to take the baby there.
Is it safe for a baby to go there?
Please be careful (with the baby, ex. to a child who is being too rough with her).
When I was pregnant I was very sick.
I had very severe nausea and vomiting (during pregnancy).
I was sick for the first five months (of the pregnancy).
She was born on 15 August 2009.
She was born at 10:22 pm.
We were excited that she was born on a Greek holiday (15 August).
I had to have a caesarian section (c-section).
My blood pressure became very high so they had to take the baby out right away.
She weighed 2.7 kilograms (when she was born).
She was born a few weeks early.
She was small but healthy (at birth).
She is almost one year old (now).
She weighs 8 kilograms (now).
She does not feel well.
Her teeth hurt (due to teething).
She has a fever.
She will not stop crying.
I do not know why she is crying.
I need medicine for the baby.
I cannot give her aspirin.
Do you have Tylenol for babies?
She has an allergy.
She is too young (for that).
I do not want her to get sunburned.
The baby is too hot (temperature due to weather).
It is too sunny (here) for the baby.
Can we sit in the shade?
She looks like her father.
When she was born she looked exactly like her father.
I do not think she looks like me.
She does not have much hair yet.
It will grow eventually (her hair).
My mother died on 22 February 2010.
She will not remember her grandmother.
My mother was very excited to have a grandchild.
My father loves her very much (the baby).
He (grandfather) buys many clothes and toys for her (the baby).
We want to have another baby soon.
I would like to have another girl, but a boy would be fun too.
We would like to have 2 or 3 children.
Many of our friends have babies and young children.
She will have many friends to play with when she is older.
She will not remember this visit to Greece but we will have photographs to show her.
We will bring her back to Greece in a few years.
On our next visit to Greece we will probably have another baby.
This is her bedroom (being shown in a photograph).
Her bedroom walls are painted purple (being shown in a photograph).
We are traveling with a baby.
She must sit in her car seat.
We cannot move the car seat.
She cannot sit on your lap (during a car ride).
Please write in Greek text, not English letters. Thank you so much for your assistance with this project whether you translate one phrase or more!!!

A. I need to change her clothes.
Πρέπει να αλλάξω τα ρούχα της.

I need to change her diaper.
Πρέπει να αλλάξω πάνα της.

Her diaper is dirty.
Πάνα της είναι βρώμικο.

Where can I change her diaper?
Πού μπορώ να αλλάξω πάνα της;

I need to buy diapers.
Πρέπει να αγοράσω πάνες.

What size are these diapers?
Τι μέγεθος είναι οι πάνες;

Disposable diapers.
Πάνες μιας χρήσης

Those diapers are not her size.
Αυτές οι πάνες δεν είναι το μέγεθος της.

I need to buy wipes (disposable baby wipes).
Πρέπει να αγοράσω πετσετάκια μωρών.

She is tired.
Είναι κουρασμένη.

She needs to take a nap.
Χρειάζεται να πάρω έναν υπνάκο

She is asleep.

She is hungry.
Είναι πεινασμένος

I need to feed her.
Θέλω να την τροφή.

I did not bring enough food for the baby.
Εγώ δεν φέρνει αρκετή τροφή για το μωρό.

I need to buy food for the baby (baby food / baby formula).
Πρέπει να αγοράσω τροφή για το μωρό.

She cannot eat that.
Δεν μπορεί να φάει αυτό.

She eats infant formula (baby formula).
Τρώει τύπος μωρό.

She eats baby food (jarred pureed baby food).
Τρώει βάζα παιδικές τροφές.

I do not breastfeed her (now).
Εγώ δεν θηλάζουν της.

This is her bottle (baby bottle).
Αυτό είναι το μπουκάλι της.

This bottle (baby bottle) is dirty.
Αυτό το μπουκάλι είναι βρώμικο.

I need to clean her bottle (baby bottle).
Θα πρέπει να πλένετε το μπουκάλι.

Can we bring the stroller there?
Μπορούμε να φέρουμε το καρότσι;

We will need to carry the stroller up the stairs.
Πρέπει να φέρουν το καρότσι μέχρι τις σκάλες.

We will need to carry the stroller down the stairs.
Πρέπει να φέρουν το πορτ μπεμπέ κάτω από τις σκάλες.

Is there an elevator?
Είναι ένα ασανσέρ εκεί;

I cannot take the stroller there (due to access).
Δεν μπορώ να πάρω το καρότσι εκεί.

I will carry her (in my arms).
Θα την φέρει.

He will carry her (in his arms).
Αυτός θα την φέρει.

Can you carry her? (in your arms)
Μπορείς να μεταφέρουν αυτήν;

Can you hold her for a moment?
Μπορείς να την κρατήσουν για λίγο;

Where can I put the stroller?
Πού μπορώ να τοποθετήσω το καρότσι;

I do not want to bring the baby there.
Δεν θέλω να φέρουν το μωρό εκεί.

When I was pregnant I was very sick.
Ήμουν πολύ άρρωστος όταν ήμουν έγκυος.

Severe nausea and vomiting.
Σοβαρή ναυτία και έμετο.

I was sick for the first five months (of the pregnancy).
Ήμουν άρρωστος κάθε μέρα για τους πρώτους πέντε μήνες της εγκυμοσύνης.

She was born on 15 August 2009.
Γεννήθηκε στις 15 Αυγούστου 2009.

She was born at 10:22 pm.
Γεννήθηκε στις 10:22 το βράδυ.

We were excited that she was born on a Greek holiday (15 August).
Ήμασταν ενθουσιασμένοι που γεννήθηκε σε ένα ελληνικό διακοπές.

I had to have a caesarian section (c-section).
Μου δόθηκε μια καισαρική τομή.

My blood pressure became very high so they had to take the baby out right away.
αρτηριακή πίεση μου έγινε πολύ υψηλό. Οι γιατροί χρειάστηκε να αφαιρέσετε το μωρό αμέσως.

She weighed 2.7 kilograms (when she was born).
Ζύγιζε 2,7 κιλά

She was born a few weeks early.
Γεννήθηκε τρεις εβδομάδες νωρίτερα.

She was small but healthy (at birth).
Ήταν πολύ μικρό, αλλά υγιή.

She is almost one year old (now).
Είναι σχεδόν ενός έτους.

She weighs 8 kilograms (now).
Έχει ζυγίζει 8 κιλά.

She does not feel well.
Δεν αισθάνεται καλά.

Her teeth hurt (due to teething).
Έχει πόνο στο στόμα της.

She is teething.
Είναι οδοντοφυΐας.

She has a fever.
Έχει πυρετό.

She will not stop crying.
Δεν θα σταματήσει να κλαίει.

I need help identifying characters that comply with Erikson's theory.?
Q. I have done most of my assignment but i don't watch alot of television and i don't have any interest in what celebs are doing with their lives. So i need help identifying a character for 7 of the 8 stages in Erikson's theory.

Here is what i have so far.
In our portion we will give a brief description of Erikson’s Theory which will include each stage of development. Erikson’s proposed 7 key stages in the way we develop throughout our life. These stages are first, basic trust versus basic mistrust. Secondly is autonomy versus shame and doubt. Thirdly is initiative versus guilt, the fourth stage is industry versus inferiority. The fifth stage is identity versus identity confusion, sixth is intimacy versus isolation. The seventh stage is generatively versus stagnation and lastly is the eighth stage which is integrity versus despair we will also identify a character at each stage.

Behavior Across the Lifespan
Erikson’s Theory of psychosocial development is one of the best known theories of personality in psychology. Erikson believed that one’s personality develops in a series of stages one of the main elements of his psychosocial stage theory is the development of ego identity. Ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we develop through social interaction. In each stage Erikson believed that people would experience a conflict in which they can either master the quality where they would achieve a great sense of mastery or they may fail in which that individual will experience a sense of inadequacy. While discussing the different stages we will also identify a character at each stage. The eight stages include trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative versus guilt, industry versus inferiority, identity versus confusion, intimacy versus isolation, generatively versus stagnation, and lastly is Integrity versus despair. Everyone develops similarly by following the eight steps that we have previously mentioned while also developing into individuals as we will prove in the following essay. ("Erikson's stages of," 2010 para)

The first stage is that of trust versus mistrust which occurs between birth and one year
which is the most fundamental stage in life. Because infants are utterly dependant the development of trust is based solely on that of the child’s caregiver. This is why young children strive with provided with a predictable daily schedule. When a child develops trust they will feel secure, if they do not they may develop fear and believe that the world is inconsistent and unpredictable. The Olsen twins (Full House) can be associated with this particular stage because as infants they became stars. They took turns playing the role of Michelle Tanner on the popular television series Full House. While filling this role the two young children had to become comfortable with their new television family in order to have trust and be able to perform as needed.

Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt is the second stage in which occurs in early childhood and is focus on children developing a superior sense of personal control. Erikson believed that potty training a child leads to a feeling of control and independence because they can control their own bodily functions. Another important part of this stage is letting the child chose what they wear, the toys they play with and occasionally the food they eat. When a child masters this stage they feel very confident and if they fail they may experience a feeling of inadequacy. A character that can be associated with this stage is …..

The third stage is Initiative versus guilt which occurs during the preschool years. Children begin to assert their power and control by directing play and other social interaction. The children who master this stage feel confident and are able to lead others. But those who fail at this stage develop a sense of guilt and a lack of initiative. ("Erickon's psychosocial stages," 2010 para) An appropriate character for this stage would be …

Industry versus Inferiority occurs during the early school years between the ages of 5-11. Through interactions with other children kids build a sense of pride in their abilities they possess along with their accomplishments. Children who are encouraged and praised by parents and teachers for a job well done are more likely to be happy and strive where the ones who are not will doubt their ability to be successful. A character that can be associated with this stage is …

Identity versus Confusion occurs during adolescence when children are discovering their independence and developing their sense of self. Adolescents whom are encouraged have a higher chance of emerging from this stage feeling confident and will have a positive attitude for the future. Those who do not will be confused and will doubt the future as they may feel inadequate. The character that has been chosen for this stage is …

Identity versus Confusion occurs during adolescence when children are discovering their independence and developing their sense of self. Adolescents whom are encouraged have a higher chance of emerging from this stage feeling confident and will have a positive attitude for the future. Those who do not will be confused and will doubt the future as they may feel inadequate. The character that has been chosen for this stage is …

Intimacy versus Isolation is obviously geared toward early adulthood when young adults are becoming sexually active while exploring intimate relationships. Because each stage builds on what was accomplished in the previous stages it becomes more difficult for those that have not mastered the previous stages to catch up so to speak. When an individual is confident and secure in who they are and the person they are becoming they are more likely to succeed at these later stages. Erikson believed that it was crucial for people to hcommitted relationships with have

A. long question

Part 2 :) What will you name your children?
put first and middle names for your kid's names, please.
you can also add pictures
1. So you are 18 and going to college. You meet a guy/girl that is in a few of your classes. He/She has everything that you look for in a guy/girl!
1a) What do you want to be when you graduate college?
1b) What does the person you like want to be after they graduate?
1c) What does he/she look like?
2. 7 years late both of you have graduated and found jobs. You have been going out for a long time now and he/you proposes and they say yes. When you get back you move into your first home.
2a) Where do you get married?
2b) Where do you go on our honeymoon?
2c) What does your house look like?
3. Both of you want kids right away and on your first anniversary you find out that you are having a baby! A few months later you find out you are having a girl!
3a) What is her name?
3b) What does she look like?
4. Your daughter is now 2 and you are ready for another child. 6 months later you find out you are pregnant with your second child and this time it is a boy.
4a) What is his name?
4b) What does he look like?
5. Now your kids are 5 and and 3. Your daughter is starting kindergarden and you miss having a infant. You beg your spouse for another, and to your surprise they agree with you. It turns out you both wanted 4 kids and never knew it. So you try for another and within 5 months you find out that you are having another. You go to the doctor one day and find out that you are having twins! You decide that it is time to move into a bigger house because the one you have will be to small when the twins come and you don't want any of your kids to have to share a room. 8 months later you are the parent of another daughter and son.
5a) What does your new house look like?
5b) What is your new baby girl's name?
5c) What is your new baby boy's name?
5d) What do they look like?
6. Your done having kids and they are 6, 4, 1 and 1 but you want to get the kids a puppy.
6a) What kind of dog?
6b) What gender?
6c) What name do you choose?
7. What do your kids look like now and what are their personalities like?
Hope you enjoy!

My Answers
1a Teacher
1b Doctor
2a In a church
2b Caribbean
3a Francesca Rose
4a Matthew James
5b Adriana Marisa
5c Nicholas Joseph
7a Francesca is 6 and has a bubbly personality-
7b Matthew is 4 and will talk to anyone and laughs all the time-
7c Adriana is 1 and loud and energetic-
Nicholas is 1 and is the quite one out of him and his twin-

A. 1a) Doctor
1b) Teacher

2a) on the beach
2b) Greece

3a) Ariana Danielle

4a) Landon Matthew

5b) Madison Olivia
5c) Jamie Ryan

6a) Boston Terrier
6b) girl
6c) Juno

I am going to make it 10 years in the future:

Ariana: 16, loves music, dance, art or anything where she can be creative; bubbly personality:

Landon: 14, skateboarding is his life, average in school, very skateboarder personality:

Madison: 11, loves fighting with her brothers, still a tomboy, loves skiing & snowboarding
Jamie: 11, loves fighting with Madison, shy in class, very smart, loves baseball & soccer:

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