Sunday, April 28, 2013

We will be having a fun day to mark the end of the school year. I need ideas for infant and toddler fun day?

Q. I work at Early Head Start and we are limited in what we can do. Last year we did a carnival day and the year before that we had a Luau. We can't think of an easy theme for this year..any ideas?
we are required to have a fun day theme.

A. Have a "Beach Day" or "Water Play Day"
This is assuming you have an adequate outdoor area, of course.

Set out a few wading pools, water sprinklers, slides, etc. The children will bring their bathing suits,towels and sunscreen and just enjoy a day outdoors in a less-structured environment. Have a sand table with lots of digging toys available; a small tub of sand with seashells; a bubble center, and so on. You can have a picnic-style lunch with popsicles.

Not a whole lot of work in terms of decorations, props, etc. but loads of fun for the kids.

Who is Chris Young on Desperate Housewives?
Q. I just started watching old episodes on Lifetime. They are at the part where Mike just got out of jail because Chris Young bailed him out. Who is this kid?

A. I don't think there is a "Chris" Young. Which season are you watching?
There was a Zack Young, teenaged son of Mary Alice and Paul Young. (He wears glasses, kinda long hair, often dressed in flannel shirts that were tucked in his jeans, came accross as an emo kid.)

In the end of season 1, it is discovered that the boy, Zack is actually Mike's son. And that Mary Alice & Paul killed Zack's biological mother, Deidre, who dated Mike & was a drug addict & was in/out of the rehab center that Mary Alice worked for.

Mary Alice would receive visits from Deidre in the middle of the night with an infant, "Dana" and Mary Alice wanted to give this boy a better future. So she kidnapped "Dana" and named him Zack Young. Mary Alice also had another name, Angela but changed it to Mary Alice Young when she kidnapped "Dana". A few years later, Deidre discovered where Mary Alice and the family lived and wanted to take young "dana" with her. Mary Alice had become attached to the young boy so she killed Deidre so Deidre wouldn't take the young boy. Paul & Mary Alice dismembered Deidre's body and stuffed her in a toy chest and had stored her body under the pool of their home.

When a neighbor discovered of the murder a few years later, she began black mailing Mary Alice who then shot herself in the head because she was afraid her secret was out.
You really have to watch the last episode of season 1 to really understand what happenned.

Is it ok to take a 6 month old to florida?
Q. My husband has to take his vacation time and we were thinking of visiting family in florida. Is it ok to take my 6 month old daughter? She's only 10 weeks old now, so I was wondering what she will be like at 6 months? Will she be sitting up on her own? More aware? Eating solids? I dunno what to expect and if it's realistic to think that she'll be ok...will she? any advice or input would be great?

A. I took my daughter to Florida when she was 5 months! My hubby and I had a great time. Babies are so portable at that age. She was aware enough to need a few infant toys to keep her entertained, she was *just* starting to sit, and she was still exclusively nursing at that point, we started solids at about 6 months, after our Florida trip. But even then it was just a table spoon or so a day. We just let her sleep in her stroller by the pool while we took a quick dip. She was safe, and we were never more than 2 feet away. She LOVED looking at the ocean,we have some of the best pictures from that trip. We got her little infant shades because she hated the sun in her eyes..they were SO cute! It was one of the best vacations we've had.

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