Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What kind of bathtub toys do you have?(for your kids lol)?

Q. Just curious...when my son was an infant, I bought all the proper bath tub toys but now he drags in his trucks/cars and anything else that might tickle his fancy at the time. He is 2.
What kind of toys do your kids play with in the tub? And do you disinfect them regularly?(weekly?)

A. I just use rubbery duckies :-) I try not to make bath time so stimulating otherwise she will not sleep but play, but if she is in a cranky mood I will encourage her to play with her rubber duckies lol.

Is there something I can give my 4 month old to boost her immune system she is in daycare!?

A. No, you shouldn't give vitamins or anything like that to infants of that age (except vitamin D for breastfed babies.) If you are breastfeeding her, you are giving her immunities that will help out with keeping her from getting sick, but other than that, just hope that your daycare provider takes precautions with kids who could be contagious and disinfecting toys and things like that.

What is tattoo ink made of or what is in it?

A. http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/aa121602a.htm

The short answer to the question is: You can't be 100% certain! Manufacturers of inks and pigments are not required to reveal the contents. A professional who mixes his or her own inks from dry pigments will be most likely to know the composition of the inks. However, the information is proprietary (trade secrets), so you may or may not get answers to questions.

Most tattoo inks technically aren't inks. They are composed of pigments that are suspended in a carrier solution. Contrary to popular belief, pigments usually are not vegetable dyes. Today's pigments primarily are metal salts. However, some pigments are plastics and there are probably some vegetable dyes too. The pigment provides the color of the tattoo. The purpose of the carrier is to disinfect the pigment suspension, keep it evenly mixed, and provide for ease of application.

Black Iron Oxide (Fe3O4)

Iron Oxide (FeO)


Natural black pigment is made from magnetite crystals, powdered jet, wustite, bone black,and amorphous carbon from combustion (soot). Black pigment is commonly made into India ink.

Logwood is a heartwood extract from Haematoxylon campechisnum, found in Central America and the West Indies.

Brown Ochre Ochre is composed of iron (ferric) oxides mixed with clay. Raw ochre is yellowish. When dehydrated through heating, ochre changes to a reddish color.
Red Cinnabar (HgS)

Cadmium Red (CdSe)

Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)

Napthol-AS pigment
Iron oxide is also known as common rust. Cinnabar and cadmium pigments are highly toxic. Napthol reds are synthesized from Naptha. Fewer reactions have been reported with naphthol red than the other pigments, but all reds carry risks of allergic or other reactions.
Orange disazodiarylide and/or disazopyrazolone
cadmium seleno-sulfide
The organics are formed from the condensation of 2 monoazo pigment molecules. They are large molecules with good thermal stability and colorfastness.
Flesh Ochres (iron oxides mixed with clay)
Yellow Cadmium Yellow (CdS, CdZnS)

Curcuma Yellow

Chrome Yellow (PbCrO4, often mixed with PbS)

Curcuma is derived from plants of the ginger family; aka tumeric or curcurmin. Reactions are commonly associated with yellow pigments, in part because more pigment is needed to achieve a bright color.
Green Chromium Oxide (Cr2O3), called Casalis Green or Anadomis Green

Malachite [Cu2(CO3)(OH)2]

Ferrocyanides and Ferricyanides

Lead chromate

Monoazo pigment

Cu/Al phthalocyanine

Cu phthalocyanine
The greens often include admixtures, such as potassium ferrocyanide (yellow or red) and ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian Blue)
Blue Azure Blue

Cobalt Blue

Blue pigments from minerals include copper (II) carbonate (azurite), sodium aluminum silicate (lapis lazuli), calcium copper silicate (Egyptian Blue), other cobalt aluminum oxides and chromium oxides. The safest blues and greens are copper salts, such as copper pthalocyanine. Copper pthalocyanine pigments have FDA approval for use in infant furniture and toys and contact lenses. The copper-based pigments are considerably safer or more stable than cobalt or ultramarine pigments.

Violet Manganese Violet (manganese ammonium pyrophosphate)
Various aluminum salts


Some of the purples, especially the bright magentas, are photoreactive and lose their color after prolonged exposure to light. Dioxazine and carbazole result in the most stable purple pigments.
White Lead White (Lead Carbonate)

Titanium dioxide (TiO2)

Barium Sulfate (BaSO4)

Zinc Oxide
Some white pigments are derived from anatase or rutile. White pigment may be used alone or to dilute the intensity of other pigments. Titanium oxides are one of the least reactive white pigments.

there is more info from this site, but this is the main info about tattoo ink.

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