Tuesday, April 23, 2013

how do i know baby is teething?

Q. My new baby boy aged 5 months, today often fuss and cry for no reason and cram his fist into his mouth. What happened to my child? Is it painful? Is my baby start teething?

A. Hi Natalie, nice to meet you.
How's your baby this morning? May she always be in good health.

Age your baby is now 5 months? Well, it was a time that we parents make adorable while playing with our baby. But it is at these times, there was a moment that usually happens to a baby, which was the beginning of the period of teething. Some litaratur indeed stated that the age of 5-7 months (may be faster or longer), it is a time where a baby's teeth begin to grow. In some cases indeed, a baby will reflexively reached into his mouth, as a solution (in infants) in eliminating ra pain / itching caused by teething start page.

My son now age was 6.5 months. Period of 5 months, he also did the same with your baby. Initially hell did we deem mediocre, and we bought a regular toy anyway. But after I browse and get some references and a review of the occurrence of teething for a baby, my wife and I began to feel worried. Finally, we also provide a teething toy for our daughter, a toy from Vulli. Thankfully, so far even our daughter look more cheerful (although it She can not talk, he .. he ..). But indeed, we as parents see a significant difference in our baby now than ever before, when he was 5 months and happy to put his hand into the mouth.

This is an article from Ezine which time it inspired us, so we finally bought our daughter a toy from Vulli. And also the reviews are interesting, which we got from other sites. You can read through the following link. May be useful.

Hopefully what has been the experience for us, it can also inspire you and your family. Regards for your family and your baby.

Is this bad or good for my child?
Q. I'm extremely obsessed with buying baby items. Some people are addicted to fashion but not me. So far I have 9 different car seats for my unborn baby, 6 strollers, 3 wagons, tons of bottles, formula (i can't breastfeed), tons of toys, 5 pack n plays, 4 swings, and a ton of sippy cups. And all of these items are high-end. I just can't help myself I found so many things I liked but didn't want to give up the rest. Will this be bad or good for my child?

A. Is this obsession interfering with you being happy in life? Has buying these items (compulsively in my opinion) caused financial problems? Has this caused stress in your relationship with your husband (boyfriend)? If you answer yes to any of these, I would talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist. They should be able to get at whatever problems you are encountering.

But be careful on the amount of formula you buy- save the receipts because if your baby is allergic to a type of formula, you will have to get a different kind and it would be terrible to have all that formula for nothing.

And car crashes are the leading cause of both disability and death for children in the United States. If you have 9 infant car seats ensure that the bases do not get mixed up. Only the base can be used with the carrier that it was designed for. And car seats do expire, so if you have purchased car seats to use in the future, they cannot be used then because they will be expired by then! I just don't want your child to get hurt or killed in a car crash because this information wasn't available to you.

(As a side note, car seats expire for a variety of reasons. For example, car seats are exposed to UV rays from the sun and it depends on how they are treated too- if they were stored in a musty humid basement or in a hot or cold garage this causes the plastic to become brittle, even if the car seat still looks okay. And if the plastic were brittle, the child has the harness has the potential to rip from the shell, ejecting the child from the seat).

Edit Again: I answered a ton of your "car seat questions" - I always wondered if your questions were serious, however they were, which makes me happy. May I ask which car seats models you went with? I am a car seat fanatic myself, (however I don't buy them; I just look at them at stores) haha. If you don't return them, you should start some type of blog and review all of your baby items.

But remember that children do not necessairly like something that is most expensive. For example, my father told me that when I was younger he gave us a huge expensive air-hockey table and a $5 used Pokemon Nintendo 64 Game. And do you know what we played with 24/7? As children we always played with that Pokemon Game...It brings back such good memories.

Look at this laughing baby; he loves paper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4abiHdQpc

Will the Amby bed hammock help CORRECT mild plagiocephaly?
Q. All reviews of the Amby bed state that it helps to PREVENT flathead. My daughter is almost 4 months and has a flat spot that developed on the back of her right side of head (think it was due to tighter neck muscle on that side). Repositioning in her crib has not seemed to help much. Was wondering if the Amby can help to reshape her head to its previously round state.

A. It should help because it generally encourages babies to lie in a more straight position, and doesn't put as much pressure on any one part of the head (distributes the pressure more evenly).

However if your baby has torticollis you should have been referred for physio at birth.

Usually if it hasn't resolved by 3-4 months with therapy the refer you for surgery. There is a limit as to how long you can leave it before it effects other development.

How is it treated?

Congenital torticollis is treated through exercises that stretch your baby's neck. Your health professional or a physical therapist will teach you how to do them with your baby, and then you will stretch your baby's neck on your own several times a day.

You can also play with your baby in ways that stretch the neck. Placing toys and other objects in positions where your baby has to turn his or her head to see them helps stretch the muscle.

If your baby does not improve after 2 to 8 months of stretching, contact your health professional. There may be another problem, or surgery may be necessary to stretch or lengthen the neck muscle.

The lump in the muscle usually goes away on its own.

If the congenital torticollis is not caused by a shortened neck muscle but by a cervical spine abnormality, the spine abnormality is sometimes treatable.

Treatment may include:

* gentle stretching exercise program (to help relieve the tension and lengthen the sternocleidomastoid muscle)

* infant stimulation (to help the infant learn to move and stretch the muscle)

* surgery (to correct the shortened muscle)

The neck mass may enlarge during the first month of life, then gradually get smaller, usually disappearing by age 5 to 8 months.

If you think your infant has Torticollis schedule an appointment with your pediatrician soon. If your pediatrician confirms your worries you will be set up with a physical therapist to learn the proper techniques and stretches tailored to your son or daughter. You will probably have a check up every 2 weeks to see how your child is progressing.

Although Torticollis can be worrisome to any parent, it is highly treatable. If your infant seems to be uncomfortable or in pain a trip to the doctor is necessary! With a little bit of stretching and exercise your infant can have a straight neck once again!

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