Wednesday, June 11, 2014

my neighbor had a little girl today,besides a cigar,what would be a nice gift(were not really that close)?


*Baby clothes are nice. Try getting something in the 3-6 month range. They probably already have enough newborn, and 0-3 clothes already.

*Baby wipes, lotion, wash, washcloths, hooded-towel, infant tylenol drops, spoons- make up a gift basket.

*Maybe a baby toy for when the baby is older, like teethers, rattles, crib toys, etc. Board books are nice too.

*Photo frame- Baby's first year, newborn frame, first bath, etc.

*Get the mom a gift certificate for a massage, make-up, salon, etc. Everybody's focus went from the pregnant mom to the new baby, and now she's probably feeling a little left-out. Baby won't remember any gifts, but the mom won't forget.

my 9 month old keeps waking up in the middle of the night!?


my son is going on 9 months and for a while between the ages of 6-7 months he was sleeping through the whole night, but now he wakes up every 30 Min's - every 2 hours it just varies, i don't know what to do i give him a bottle of water to sip on and he falls right back to sleep, but sometime he wont take the water and he wants formula, and i dont want to feed him to much during the night. i don't know what it could be if anyone knows please tell me, and if you have any advice, we usually feed him food, usually a thing of gerber, then give him a bath right before bed and then give him a bottle of formula and he will pass out. i don't know if its his teeth or what( he still does not have teeth) please any help would be appreciated.

Give him a warm bath every night, and put baby mango in his bottle.

I know it sounds crazy, but put baby mango and rice in his bottle when you put him to bed, and only the mango at night.
He will get used to the routine of bath and bed with a bottle with mango in it. It makes it a little sweet, mangoes also put out any gas, and it makes the bottle have more of a substance so he feels fuller for longer.

Also if you think he is teething give him some benydryl or baby motrin before bed (Half a teaspoon). It works wonders with teething. You might also want to put baby orajel on his teeth. The baby orajel is so strong it makes my finger go a lil numb when I put it on my babie's gums.

So try this in this order -

Mango+rice+formula bottle

If he still isn't sleeping through the night you might want to try bathing him in baby lavender scented wash and shampoo. Lavender makes people tired and Johnson's*Johnsons sells lavender shampoo and baby wash. They also sell a gel that you use for infant massages that smells like lavender. You might want to try that as well then give him an infant massage every night to where its

Bath with lavender shampoo and lavender wash
Lavender Massage Gel and infant massage (just rub it on his legs and feet and arms and little bit on his chest.
Mango+rice+formula bottle

Theres also infant soothers where a toy or a crib toy will play a lullaby.

That product is what I have had for my baby girl since she was a few weeks old. I got it as a gift, and it plays a soothing lullaby with a soft yellow glow and it will play for about 3-6 minutes and will calm your baby to sleep. And it isnt even that loud either which is great.

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