Sunday, May 25, 2014

old methods of easing teething pains for infants?

Q. there is an over the counter drug that used to be recommended for teething babies that would numb the mouth and gums. i can't remember teh name of it but it was recommended up until sometime in the 80s. ideas?

Any pressure on the gums will help. The wet cloth works well, as do teething toys. I used a big thick carrot that my daughter chewed on. It was thick enough that she couldn't break pieces off, and cold and smooth.

My own mother used paregoric, and didn't understand why I didn't use it. It's an opium derivative. I wouldn't use ora-gel or whiskey, either.

Can an infant teething cause the upper lip to form a blister like bump on her lip?

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My children had them when they were breast feeding. I'm sure they could be caused by teething, but are most likely the result of sucking on fingers or toys to sooth the teething. This is a portion of the definition found in Parenting Magazine. Hope this helps.
SUCKING BLISTER- Found in the center of a baby's upper lip, this blister results from the baby's sucking on a thumb, toe, or other body part

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