Sunday, March 30, 2014

3 month old baby and toys?


At 3 months do babies need "fancy" toys or are the cute little dangle ones good? Also, I am still having a hard time sitting my son in his bouncer with the toys and mirrors etc while i clean, eat or do whatever. I feel bad letting him play alone while I do these things. How do I get over this? Or should I feel bad?

Keep in mind more "fancier" the toy the probably more chance something might break off and he can put it in his mouth.

Here are a few home made toys you can make for your baby

how to pick the right toys if you going to buy some

More home made toys

Stimulating baby aged 3 months (without toys)?


I have spent the first three months of my granddaughter's life with her, in spite of living almost 2000 kms away. Grandpa visits us once or twice per month. Sadly, I have to return home soon - I am going to miss her tremendously.

I want to know from all the mommys and nans out there - what sort of educational stimulation can I give my baby? I started exercising her back and neck after two weeks, and we were all amazed at how strong she is. After a month I started with her legs and now she kicks very strongly. I have done the same with her arms (clapping) and she is in very good shape.

I would like to start some mental stimulation but have no idea where to start. Already, since age 2 weeks, I hanged a very colourful flower for her to look at. She loves it! She also has toys all around her to stare at, but I feel there must be more!!!

Please help, your answers will be very highly appreciated. Bless everyone with a baby, it is so rewarding. They are made to be cherished

Read to the baby! My daughter loved to be read to at that age. When you walk around the house with her tell her everything that you are doing so that she can begin learning the names of things, you can also put a mirror in her crib which helps her learn observation skills. I bought a book called Games to Play with Babies. It is organized by month and tells you games to play and what the game teaches your baby. Here are two websites that have a few developmental games.

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