Friday, December 27, 2013

My 8 yr old dog is peeing in the house, how do I get him to stop?

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Mike R

I have two dogs both about 8 yrs old and the male Cocker Spaniel has taken to peeing on my infant daughter's toys and things in the living room of my new house. He has never done this before just the last couple of months. I cannot decide whether it is because we have newly moved, have an 8 month old daughter (fairly new to him) or because we have a smaller yard at the new house. My wife and I are now working more hours and that may have something to do with it too. How do I get him to stop.

It sounds like a "pack status" thing- new home, new baby (who is by virtue of birth already of higher status than him) and now you guys are gone more. You will have to do a couple of things to stop this.
First, go back to square one w/ housebreaking. Clean all spots he's made w/ enzyme based cleaner so he doesn't smell his own "perfume" on things- Natures Miracle is great. If he was crate trained, break that ole crate out again and go thru the usual steps- careful monitoring, taking him out to a specific spot to pee, routine food an water etc. (there are a million posts on crate training here so I wont waste everyone's time- just look those up). If he was trained in a different way, revert back to that, or try the crate. It may give him a sense of "his home" in this world of upheavel- although older dogs take a longer time to get used to the crate.

Second- you need to make the baby a positive thing for him. When you bring her into a room, he gets a treat. This way, he thinks "baby=awesome!". Having said that, he needs to know her stuff is off limits. Verbally correct him when he goes near her toys "NO!". Then replace her toy w/ one of his own and praise him for taking it.

Finally- he needs extra love right now- to be assured of his status in your growing "pack". Make a point of spending time w/ just him- even for five minutes when you get home from work. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

PS: to the jackasses who say put him to sleep- do you not have something better to do than subject us all to your silliness?

Is it safe to use super glue on infant toy?


i just recieved a new musical toy for my 8 month old in the mail, it has a small piece that is broken off on top that i know i can fix with super glue, but i need to know if its safe..i know my mom used it on my toys way back, but..i don't know about if its toxic or not?..he is a teething and chews on everything!

No it is not safe! Send the toy back! The glu is toxic and if it doesn't hold he could choke on the piece.... Please don't do that!!

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