Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Baby Items Should I Buy For After 6 Months?

best infant toys 6 months
 on ... : Bestsellers in Baby Toys 0-6 Months (36 | Shop | Kaboodle
best infant toys 6 months image


Hi! I just had my baby shower and have what I need through about 6 months. My Dad is giving me 250.00 to spend. What should I get for down the road a ways? I did already get his car seat for when he's out of the infant seat. Thanks!!

1. size 6 to 12 months clothing
2. toys that make noise, light up, roll around, and or play music
3. board books
4. Jumperoo
5. high chair
6. sippy cups and toddler bowls and spoons
8. plastic bibs
9. size 3 and 4 diapers
10. bathtub toys
11. baby gate and other safety items

You have a nice dad!

Is it ok to take a 6 month old to florida?

Tatiana S

My husband has to take his vacation time and we were thinking of visiting family in florida. Is it ok to take my 6 month old daughter? She's only 10 weeks old now, so I was wondering what she will be like at 6 months? Will she be sitting up on her own? More aware? Eating solids? I dunno what to expect and if it's realistic to think that she'll be ok...will she? any advice or input would be great?

I took my daughter to Florida when she was 5 months! My hubby and I had a great time. Babies are so portable at that age. She was aware enough to need a few infant toys to keep her entertained, she was *just* starting to sit, and she was still exclusively nursing at that point, we started solids at about 6 months, after our Florida trip. But even then it was just a table spoon or so a day. We just let her sleep in her stroller by the pool while we took a quick dip. She was safe, and we were never more than 2 feet away. She LOVED looking at the ocean,we have some of the best pictures from that trip. We got her little infant shades because she hated the sun in her eyes..they were SO cute! It was one of the best vacations we've had.

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