Friday, May 31, 2013

How do I set up this algebra word problem?

Q. Three of the highest grossing toy categories in 2005 were infant toys, dolls, and games. Together they had gross sales of $8.2 billion. Total sales of dolls and games together were $2 billion more than sales of infant toys. Sales of games were $0.3 billion less than doll sales. Find the amount of sales of each type of toy.

I need to know how to set up the problem.

A. Stephanie...keep it simple, use obvious letters to replace words.

t + d + g = 8.2.....(1)

d + g = t + 2........(2)

g = d - 0.3...........(3)

Eliminating d's and g's by subtraction in equation 1 and 2 gives

t = -t + 8.2 - 2

t + t = 8.2 - 2

2t = 6.2

t = 3.1

Putting t back into equation 1 gives

3.1 + d + g = 8.2

d + g = 8.2 - 3.1

d + g = 5.1

Putting t back into equation 2 gives

d + g = 3.1 + 2

d + g = 5.1..............which is the same equation as 1

Now, looking at equation 3

g = d - 0.3

So, g - d = -0.3

d - g = 0.3

Now we have 2 equations in 2 unknowns

Adding gives 2d = 5.4

d = 2.7

Putting d back into either one of these gives

g = 2.4

Toys = $3.1 billion

Games = $2.4 billion

Dolls = $2.7 billion

Hope this helps.


is it me or do some infant toys look oddly familiar to dog toys?
Q. some of my sons toys look exactly like dog toys. its kind of odd to me lol. these are toys that have been given to me though, i wouldnt buy him something that looks like it could be for a dog.

has anybody else noticed this though?
and how do you keep the dog from getting your infants toys when he/she is playing on the floor?

A. Yes a lot of them are practically interchangeable. Another thing that I think is funny is that both dogs and babies are greatly rewarded for learning to roll over. It strikes me as funny when I am cheering for my son to roll over.

What are the best ways to keep the baby occupied while in the car...?
Q. We visit the grandparents at least 1 a month and they live about 2 hours away. My 6 month old is getting tired of the infant toys that hang from his handle. What other toys are good for keeping babies occupied for so long in the car?

Other than my husband or I sitting back there playing peekabo!

A. Traveling is sooo hard. I have trouble with mine if its more than an hour. He will sleep about that long then wake up and be bored and fussy. I try bringing lots of toys from home. When he was that little he loved to rip up paper. Old magazines work great for that. That would keep him busy for awhile. The other thing I try to do is leave for the trip when I know he is tired. He used to sleep late so if we got going real early I knew he would fall back to sleep. Also try and tire him out before you leave, play outside in the fresh air. My baby also likes the toy cell phones. I set aside some toys for just the car so he doesn't get bored with them so fast. The only time he gets to play with them is in the car.

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