Thursday, April 18, 2013

How much do you spend on Christmas gifts?

Q. I was wondering. I use to spend up to $10 on each family member when I was younger because I didn't have a job and I used my allowance when I was a child. Now I both my husband and I got good paying jobs and since I got custody of my 7 year old niece I spent about $500 on her because she never had a Christmas when she lived with my sister who's now in prison. I spent around $500 on my mom and dad which is $200 each. I have a 2 month old son and I didn't spend as much on him as my niece because he's an infant but I spent around $200 on him but I'll probably spend a lot more on him when he gets older. I spent at least $400 this year on my husband well for both Christmas and birthday gift because my husband's birthday is on Christmas day. I spent more money now than what I did when I was younger. I spent less than $30 on other family members though because I don't see them that much anyways and they don't really care what I got them, I didn't get my sister anything because I'm disappointed in her because of her lifestyle full of drugs and violence and she neglected her child. Oh and I also donate some money to charities every Christmas as well like I drop the $50 inside of a Salvation Army Kettle recently. Just wondering how much do you spend on Christmas gifts each year. Also, do you donate to Christmas charities as well or not?

A. I spent around $450. I had 10 family members to shop for. But 3 are babies under the age of one so I dident buy much for them. I normally spend 50 bucks a person but cut back a tad bc I quit my job recently to be a stay at home mom and now only have my hubbys salary to live on. I don't donate usually. I'll buy a gift for the toy drive but thats it.

Is my baby going to be bad tempered?
Q. I have read that at 6 0r 7 months, babies object when you take something away from them. Sometimes she'll get something she is not supposed to and i will take it away and replace it with one of her toys, but she does NOT want it. My baby(71/2 months) does more than just fuss when I take something away from her. She kicks, gets stiff, and cries! Is this normal of is my baby going to have a bad temper?

A. I think that your little one is trying to test her boundaries!!
She is smart enough to try and see how far mommy will let her go!!
My 11 month old son is the same way!!
He started pulling these little stunts with me when he was about 5 1/2 to 6 months old!!
I ask his pediatrician if there was some thing that I was doing wrong and he told me that it was normal for a baby to want to start rebelling and to see how far he/she could get..
To let your little one know that you are the parent and what you say goes..
If they want to through a tantrum...
To not let it go too far...
Even though they are still infants, to explain to them that no means no...
He told me that it will be like that when they hit the "Terrible Two's" stage....
I hope that this has answered some of your questions....


When do kids really start playing with toys?
Q. I know 0-3 aren't able to do a whole lot, but when do they start to benefit from toys, like stacking blocks/rings, playing with pots and pans, and such?
0-3 months I mean. Not years.

A. She started using little rings and infant toys around 2 months, like holding them and looking at them, that's about it.

Around 3-4 months they start playing, 6 months we did pots and pans, walkers

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