Monday, April 15, 2013

Find a picture and a description of an infant toy in your home.Write a very brief description of the toy, tell?

Q. Find a picture and a description of an infant toy in your home. Write a very brief description of the toy, telling why it would appeal to a very young infant. How would the toy be used by a 2-month-old? How might the same toy be used by a 6-month-old?
Toy manufacturers often try to convince parents that infant toys will still be interesting to toddlers. How might a parent scaffold an infant`s interaction with this toy? How would this relate to the zone of proximal development?

A. Books, you know what they look like.
You can read them and show the pictures to babies of any age. As they grow they learn new things from books. Eventually they will be able to read the book even though they can't read because they have memorized it from someone reading to them.

i have to make an infant learning material for college class?
Q. i have to create something infants can learn from but it also has to be safe for them any ideas?

A. Some kind of stuffed toy that has things to open, flaps to lift, someting hidden uder a door ..

How do children learn to play?
Q. This is a question I came across in Sociology. The question is : Describe two ways in which an infant learns how to play with other children.
Please help me out!!

A. By interaction with others- other infants whether in the home setting or a childcare.They will learn to adjust their actions by the reactions of other children. Eg: "Oh,when I took that toy, they cried". Perhaps the child eventually internalises this action/reaction, and thereby acquires the skills to interact through play.Also, other children may ostracise a child who does not follow the "rules"

Young infants will obviously be with a caregiver who models acceptable behaviour, and discourages things like biting/ hitting/ snatching toys. The caregiver will adjust their reaction according to the age of the child, with older children having consequences such as time out.

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