Saturday, May 10, 2014

6 month old baby?


I have a 6 month old daughter and I am wondering if she should be able to sit up on her own by now.

Sitting up is usually 4-8 months. With 8 months being when doctors start testing.

But babies don't learn to sit up all on their own, they need help from mommy and daddy to learn.

(Hmm some sites seem to say 9 months is still normal, but I know my friend's doctor was worried at 7 and said if not by 8 months they would do testing?)

"# By 6 to 7 months, baby can sit for a few moments (with legs spread apart).
# By 8 to 9 months, the baby can sit steadily and change position from sitting to getting on the floor and back again."

"Sitting up (8 months)
Once your baby has enough balance, arm strength, and head, neck, and lower-body control, she'll be able to sit up and take in a whole new world. At this point, her improving eyesight will allow her to see objects outside her direct line of vision â and she'll try to pull herself up to get a better look.

At first, she won't be able to sit up for long on her own and may need to put out her hand for balance. To motivate your baby to sit well, dangle or set her favorite toy in front of her, then slowly move it from side to side to encourage her to reach for the toy and rely solely on her torso and legs for balance. She'll be sitting without help in no time!",19840,1590411,00.html

"By the end of their seventh month, most babies:

* Roll over both ways (stomach to back and back to stomach)
* Sit up '

"In general, infants between 6 and 9 months old:
Sit unassisted. While many infants start to work on their sitting skills before this age, their ability to sit well (in other words, without tipping over and hurting themselves) takes some time. By 7 months, the average infant can sit while leaning on both hands for support. By a month later, he will progress to sitting alone without support, and by 9 months, most can reliably sit unassisted for longer periods of time."

BABY TOYS for younger kids(0- 4 months)?


I can't figure out what to get my nephew for his first Christmas. He will be 4 months! I already got him enough clothes(seeing how he is the first grandchild for both families he has clothes he will NEVER wear haha) and No diapers/diaper products(we buy it from costco so no issue). I was going to buy a baby swing because he likes to be rocked but his daddy and mommy bought it. What toys can I get for him? He will be barely four months when it's Christmas...Oh he has ALL the teething supplies needed haha.

Check out Tiny Love's website. They make developmental toys for infants. You can see what skills/milestones baby is working on at a specific age and choose toys that have those developmental goals in mind. They make *great* products. I've pasted the link for 3-6 month toys.

Lamaze also makes exceptional developmental toys.

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