Tuesday, March 18, 2014

working with disabled infants?


are there any jobs working with disabled infants.Im going threw a career phase and would like to no.

There are lots of jobs working with disabled infants. Few jobs work only with infants - most also work with very young children. Physical therapist (learning to hold head up, sit up, crawl) , occupational therapists (learning simple tasks like holding a bottle, reaching for a specific toy), speech & language therapists (work on swallowing and oral muscle tone), teachers (babies as young as six months start going to school if they have disabilities), developmental pediatrician, pediatric nurses, pediatric psychologists, and many many more. There is a whole field of learning and licensure that relates to the population called "Zero to Three". There are degree programs in infant mental health.

Working with this age group can be very rewarding, but also very sad. There is a very high death rate in disabled children under the age of 1. Many children are given very guarded optimism that they will live until through childhood or into adulthood until they are 1 - sometimes 3 or even older. Be sure you have the fortitude to do this kind of work.

Do you rate and review the toys and such that you buy for your baby?


My daughter recieved this awesome toy for her birthday and she loved it. She picked up how to play with it right away. In all the reviews I read online about it.. it said it was a waste of money because baby never got intrested. So i decided to rate the toy since there was nothing positive about it on there. I think i'm going to do it with most of her toys. Haha.

Anyway, Have you or do you rate and review your babys toys and such?

I do- especially if they are good! I want other parents to know the same.

It's funny you mentioned that though- I wrote a review after reading a review on our baby's infant bouncy seat. It's a Baby Einstein...and everyone said that after a time, the music and lights no longer played. We had that problem too and discovered it was because it was not pushed in all the way- and I mean all the way. So, that's what started me with writing a review. I also wrote a review for our SUV recently- because I love it. It's almost 1 now and it's been awesome in any kind of weather...so I guess I believe in spreading the word.

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