Sunday, February 23, 2014

producing and selling a toy that could be potentially harmful when handled by infants? Please Help?

Q. What role should corporations assume when producing and selling a toy that could be potentially harmful when handled by infants?
please Explain

They should have an age group (4 and up) listed so that parents know that the toy is not appropriate for use by an infant. If they are dumb enough to combine toys for an older child and an infant, I don't think that is the fault of the corporation. That is a parent's responsibility.

producing and selling a toy that could be potentially harmful when handled by infants? Please Help?

Q. What role should corporations assume when producing and selling a toy that could be potentially harmful when handled by infants?
please Explain

A BIG warning label.
It seems that half the toys for 6 y/o Gabe are hazardous to his 18 month old brother Ezra. So what? That's why God made parents. Why should Gabe be restricted to toys only suitable for an infant?
Now, if you mean toxic cr@p with lead paint, that's different.

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