Monday, February 24, 2014

Is adoption natural...........?


Was talking with my mother and she said yes adoption of a child by the community is very natural. The aunts, uncles, grandparents, and by good family friends. While if the parents died the child might only stay a day or 2 out of the week with their aunt before switching homes to stay with the family friend and so on and so forth.

I had to interject what about infant adoption? She stated that with infants during that time some mothers couldn't produce milk so another mother in the community would take the baby and nurse it and that child would have basically 2 mothers.

My question is: have man made laws made adoption of newborns, infants, and toddlers unnatural because they completely remove a child from their natural environment?

No. Adoption is NOT natural. It is a CLEARLY man made law... otherwise there wouldn't need to be a lot of paperwork etc and the bond between a mother and baby (actually related to each other) wouldn't exist.

NOTHING about adoption is natural. It is as unnatural as you can get.

Caring for children and taking them in under your wing to help them when they have no one else is not the same as adoption. There are many ways to care and look after a child who needs it that isn't adoption. People just don't want to look at that... or those who could lack the intelligence to come up with something more compassionate and loving than adoption.

ETA: 'Animal adoptions' are nothing to do with human beings. They are not cruel about it and it doesn't last forever. Animal adoptions are about teh SURVIVAL of an animal.... NOT to fulfil a lust by another animal to have a toy to play with. In human world, adoption is NOT about survival AT ALL. Some people need to get their priorities right!

an urgent question about disinfecting my infants' toys...?


my daughter (4 months old) puts her toys in her mouth a lot. my little toddler cousin came over and i caught him chewing on her toys. i do not want to let her play with them until i have disinfected them. i have heard about immersion into soapy water but most of her toys are mechanical. it will ruin them! is there some product or something that i can safely disinfect her mechanical toys with such as a wipe or something? ive heard lysol is really good for toys and stuff but idk what would be good when she puts everything in her mouth. i dont need to be poisoning her or anything! so if you have any advice i would love to hear it! thanks!!! :D

I have always wondered the same thing. I found this:

It is a botanical disinfectant.

"Benefect® Botanical Disinfectant:

The First & Only Botanical Disinfectant in North America
Kills Over 99.99% of Bacteria, Fungus, TB and HIV
No Rinse or Wipe Required
No Warning Labels or First Aid Statements
No Mixing"

Benefect® is ideal for Hard Surface Disinfection on:

Kid's Toys & High Chair Trays
Diaper Pails & Change Tables
Countertops, Sinks & Food Preparation Surfaces
Sports Equipment
Toilet Seats
Pet Areas
Garbage Cans

...& other similar surfaces where bacteria, mold and mildew or odors are a concern and where a botanical product is sensible.

I have yet to get this, but I will be soon! I give you thumbs up for not wanting to give her the toys until you disinfect them. Your cousin may not have tuberculosis, but he could have a cold or the flu and sometimes symptoms aren't noticeable right away so he "could" be contagious if he were sick. Good luck!

Edit: In the meantime (if you were to order the stuff above for later purposes), you could just wipe the toys down with a soapy rag and the wipe with a wet clean one. They say it takes a minimum of 20 seconds to kill germs with soap and

Edit: Per the cdc website, germs can live from 20 min. up to 2 hours on a hard surface.

The disinfectant above is all natural. I would rather be safe than sorry, especially with an infant.

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