Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What things do you do to keep your infant entertained?

best infant girl toys
 on ... girl toys or other gifts for young girls? Here are some of my top
best infant girl toys image


Just looking for different ideas you do to keep your infant entertained. Mine can't sit up by self yet. Best ideas gets 10 points.

My girls were always very happy if I just carried them around and talked to them about whatever I was doing. We went on walks, trips to the mall and grocery store, and just moved around the house cleaning and doing laundry. My younger daughter loved being carried in a sling, and I wish I'd had one when my older daughter was a baby. My older daughter did like the stroller a lot, though.

My older daughter loved her bouncy seat, and when she was 4 months old, I started putting her in her exersaucer, which was her very favorite toy. She also loved listening to books. I could hold her on my lap and read to her for a very long time.

My younger daughter loved the swing. She also loved just being on the floor in the middle of the room and watching everything around her -- her big sister, the cats, etc.

Both girls loved being outside -- just feeling the breeze on their faces, hearing the sounds, and watching the leaves rustle on the trees.

I sang to my daughters a lot, too -- lullabies, nursery rhymes, pop songs, made-up songs, whatever I was in the mood to sing and whatever they seemed interested in hearing.

I looked them in the eye and talked directly to them. I'd identify their body parts (eyes, nose, mouth, hands, tummy, feet, knees, toes) as I touched them. I'd use hand motions to sing songs, or I'd let them watch me count on my fingers.

I'd hold up various toys and see which ones interested them. If they wanted to hold or touch something, I gave them the toy or let them feel it.

Most of the things that keep an infant entertained are interactive. Your baby wants to see your face, snuggle up to you, and hear your voice. He or she will play with some toys, but most of that will come a little later -- after sitting.

Hope this gives you a few more ideas!

Infant ear piercing: What is wrong with these people who call themselves parents?

Buffy J

A baby is a baby not a fashion accesory. Permanent Body mutilation should be the choice of whoever is getting it. I think that parents do have a right to not allow their kid to do it to themselves, because the kid can when they grow up, but they have no right to do it to their kid before they are old enough to decide for themself. I have an arguement against a few of the biggest reasons why a parent would do this to their kid. First, they say it's cute. I think it looks tacky, but for those who do think it is cute, so are hairbows, a lot of baby outfits, and babies in general. Also, see reason above about it being the kid's choice. Second, they say it ends the problem of gender confusion. A simpler, pain free trick even more visible is putting a little girl in pink, boy in blue. Finally, they say it spares the kid the pain of remembering. If the kid doesn't want it and doesn't wear earrings, the holes are still visible. If they want it when they are older, they can if they are allowed.
I was running out of characters for the last reason, so here's what I meant. I had my ears pierced in kindergarten, I wanted to, in case you are wondering. When I don't wear earrings, the holes are still visible. One possible reason someone may not like having their ears pierced as a baby is because even if they choose not to wear earrings, the holes are still visible and they may not like that. When I looked at similar questions, there were some people who had their ears pierced as infants and ended up not liking it. And if you want to know why I am so bothered by this, when I go to the mall, seeing this done to infants really haunts me, seeing parents deliberately put their kid through so much pain deliberately.

Thank You! I was at a birthday party not too long ago and my friend walked in with her 3 MONTH OLD daughter with her ears pierced! I was so horrified I couldn't say anything nice about it! I just said "I can't bear it when my daughter gets shots, how could you deliberately put her through that much pain!". Needless to say the mother was speechless and after they left EVERYONE at the party was in shock. It is now the punch line for everything like, "hey, at least I don't poke holes in my babies ears..." So awful, and trashy to boot!

OH and she didn't get them pierced for cultural reasons...she was treating her daughter like her own little fashion toy.

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