Monday, May 6, 2013

Why do women choose to bottle feed over breastfeeding? Why dont women fight back against outlawing the breast?

Q. ::iam NOT trying to sound like a le leche freak, or post holier than thou questions::

Health reasons aside, why choose bottles over breast?

I jsut got done reading something with the world census thing, and doing a little research. America has the HIGHEST infant mortality rate of all the industrialized nations. Thats insane, and they say its because all other countries tend to have much higher rates of breastfeeding verses formula.

I think its unfair that hospitals and doctors dont provide education and support to moms. Every mom wants to provide the very best, and its not fair that commercial entities and cultural taboo's are allowed to steal the best from our children.

On top of all that, some states and counties are MAKING IT ILLEGAL to nurse in public.. WTF?!

It just bothers me that we cant provide the best.

People in saudi arabia have healthier babies than us for cripes sake. Theres something wrong here.
Honestly i have to admit that I decided to nurse because it was cheaper. It wasnt until my son was born and I was crying in pain with every feeding that I researched it and found out how good it is and decided to tough it out.

So its not like I did it for his sake in the start. I was just one of those uneducated masses. Because no one offers education on this stuff. I had to google it on my own.

A. Bless you for writing this!
I made a big mistake with our son and breastfeeding/colic
I was uneducated with our son- though I thought I was. He took right to breastfeeding. He did well- but he had colic while I was nursing him. I changed my diet, watched what I ate- and still he had colic. I was told by our ped. at that time that "breastfed babies don't get colic". He handed us some soy formula and said "this will work." So, I listened- BIG MISTAKE- HUGE!!! Our baby cried for 5 hours when I was nursing him every night. On soy- he cried for 18 hours a day. I didn't know that you could put them back on the breast. I didn't know that the breastmilk would make it easier for him with colic. I had thought it was me and my milk that was causing him problems. I swore that any baby that we had following would be breastfed- and have done so. Our baby is just a year old and is still breastfed- 3 times a day. She has only been sick one time- she caught pink eye from me. She is far ahead on the charts for development.

So, some of it is lack of education.
Some of it is our perception of breasts in America- they are veiwed as "sexual objects" instead of as what they are for- to feed our babies.

Women are frowned upon for nursing past the first year.
Women are frowned upon for nursing in public. I will nurse our baby when and wherever she needs to eat.

For some women it is hard to nurse- they have pain. It is NORMAL and it passes.

Others have milk supply issues- these can be fixed. Still, it is O.K. to combine formula with breastmilk once baby is on the breast and is accostomed to the feeds.

Breastfeeding is easy- it is always ready.

Initially, babies want to nurse all the time. THIS PASSES! The first 6 weeks are the hardest- but it goes so fast.

I guess if I lived in an area that had laws passed not to nurse in public, I would get arrested. I have heard people say, "Nurse in your car." Sure- in 95 degree heat- IS THAT WISE??? Or, here in NY- in the freezing cold. Crazy!

Or: Nurse in the bathroom- nice- would you want to eat in a smelly bathroom???

Once, when nursing our baby in Toys R Us a family from India passed- they had a 5 month old baby and an older son. The dad and I had a nice talk- as I sat there covered and nursing our baby who was only 8 weeks old. He said that in his country women who are nursing are worshipped because they are passing on the next generations health and well-being. He told me not to hide in an aisle. I felt so good after talking to him and his wife. He was offended by the views on women who nurse in this country- and could not comprehend it.

Likewise, it is frowned upon to nurse here in public- when nothing can be seen. I had that experience recently- and it's the very thought that a baby is nursing under a blanket that is just a horrid thought to some- ridiculous! I receive more dirty looks from women than from men.

Many doctors are also not pushing breastfeeding- as did ours 10 years ago. If someone had told me, "he has colic- but he'd have it anyway, KEEP NURSING..." I would have. I didn't have the support or the internet to help.

NOTE: I work full-time and have been nursing for a year- I pump 3 times at work and once before I leave. Both babies were tongue-tied- our youngest still is and nursed fine.

So...good for you for bringing this up- and thanks for listening!

What are the most popular toys to get this year?
Q. I don't have any kids so I'm just curious what they are.

A. Top Toy for Girls: Digi-Makeover Interactive Make-up Kit

Top Toy for Boys: Air Hogs Radio-Controlled Storm Launcher

Top Toy for Teens: Nintendo Wii

Top Seasonal Toy: Fisher-Price Little People Children's Nativity Set

Top Toy for Family Play Time: Cosmic Catch

Top Infant Learning Toy: V.Smile Baby from VTech

Top Toy Girl 3-5: Baby Alive Doll

Top Toy Boy 3-5: Kid-Tough Digital Camera from Fisher-Price

Top Toy Girl 6-9: Amazing Allyson

Top Toy Boy 6-9: ESPN Fast Action Footbal

Top Toy Girl 10+: Designer's World Plug n' Play TV Game

Top Toy Boy 10+: Fly Wheels XPV (Xtreme Performance Vehicle)

What do I need to get ready for a newborn baby this winter?
Q. What are the most important items that an expectant new mother would need to get in order to prepair for a newborn baby boy or girl, and when should I start buying these items?

A. I have 3 lil ones age 10 years, 5 years and 9 months. These were my top items ...

1. Boppy (amazing for breast or bottle feeding)

2. Swaddler blankets...they make cotton ones or fleece ones depending on the time of year. I've used both and they are GREAT. Make baby feel all wrapped up and comfortable

3. Lots of soft onsies or pajamas. Newborns tend to be even smaller then you think they will be. I would suggest getting at least 1 or 2 preemie size. All my babies were normal average size ..and they still needed preemie size for the first week or 2.

4. Depending on where you are going to have baby sleeping you will need something. My favorite was a bassinet. I could keep it close to my bed for all those late night feedings. Plus i felt better having them near me where i could hear them breathe. Plus most bassinets are moveable so you can move it to a different room if you want to watch them as they nap.

5. DIAPERS DIAPERS DIAPERS. Whether you choose disposable or cloth you should have LOTS of them. If you are going for disposable i would say get 2 packs of newborn size with the umbilical cord cutout spot. Then a few big packs of size 1 and lots of BABY WIPES!! Can't have to many of these ...

6. A diaper bag for all your needs ...diapers, change of clothes, diaper cream..wipes...bottles if you go that route..a pacifier (if you decide to use one) etc...

7. Blankets...receiving blankets, thicker blankets...muslin swaddler blankets...sheets for crib/bassinet...

8. Cloth diapers for everything...i bought the birdseye cloth diapers and used them as spit up rags..chew on rags...whatever you may need them for they are super absorbant and easy to wash!

9. Some type of lil baby tub w/ sling for newborn babies ...washclothes...and some type of new baby wash

10. MUST HAVE INFANT CAR SEAT. You cannot bring baby home from the hospital without a car seat. You can get one that matches and attached to a stroller (travel system) as well if you would like.

The rest is mainly lil clothes you like...the fun stuff just cause you wanna have it =) toys ...adorable lil socks...etc...HATS ..would be good for a winter towels...bottles if you go that route...

I loved having a swing for my babies...and a rocker bouncy seat thing...a safe place to set baby when you can't hold them 24/7

its also good to have a "first aid" nail clippers...nose syringe...they usually come in a kit with hairbrushes and all that.

As far as when to buy these can start as early as you like. I stocked up on a lot throught the pregnancy when i would see things i liked on sale.


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