Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What are some tips for traveling with an infant?

Q. My husband and I, along with our now 3 month old son (he'll be about 5 months when we do travel), will be flying internationally from germany to the states and back, then from germany to Ireland and back. I know we need our passports, we've already have then... So does anyone have any tips for us? This will be the 1st time he's flown, hence the question. Thanks!!!

A. Been there done that...
- Diapers (Airlines might have it but keep some handy)
- Have medication for cough, cold and other general medicines.
- we had consulted the doctor on what needs to be done and any vaccination that needs to be taken when we are in the other country. Name of the medicine/vaccination in that country.
- Extra pair of clothes (2-3 pairs)
- Call the airline and ask them for the first seat. (that has the facility to put your baby into a pram like thing that gets attached to the wall before the seat.) Do this one well in advance as these go fast. To make sure when you reach the airport doubly make sure that they are giving you that seat. When you board the plane and when you reach the airport be the first to be there so that you get the first seat. Even if you call in advance when you reach the airport you might not get the seat and hence you have reach the airport well in advance.
- for in-flight - couple of small toys to keep the baby busy and MOST importantly pacifiers (specially while take off and landing as the pressure changes and the baby's ear get blocked and the baby does not know what to do, in this case pacifiers help.)
- Note that you might carry milk/milkbottle (as you might want to carry the brand that you are using like similac) etc but dispose of the milk when you reach the other country as they might fine you for bringing that into the other country.

It has been a few years and hence remember on this.

This link will be of help -

How to help infants in the car?
Q. We are traveling 5 hours to upstate NY this weekend with a 3 year old and a 6 month old. The 3 year old is fine in the car, but the 6 month old screams the whole time. Does anyone have any suggestions as to help this? It is not car sickness or reflux, I think it is just boredom. Thanks a million for all of your help in advance.

A. My husband and I took a trip from MA to PA (6-7 hour trip) when my daughter was 10 months old. The best way we did it was to wake her up in the middle of the night (1:00am) start driving and let her fall back to sleep in the car. Then when she woke up at 6:00 we only had an hour or two left. We stopped and had breakfast, changed her and let her play for 20-30 minutes. When we got back in the car we only had 1 hour left and she was great.

We brought books and toys and don't forget the pacifier (bring a few so when he/she throws it you have more). Plus you have an added bonus, the 3 year old can sing songs and show pictures and toys to him/her. Teach the 3 year old to make faces to make the baby smile and sing baby songs. Give him a reward for helping you! Good Luck!

Any tips for traveling with a buddy pass on Frontier Airlines?
Q. I plan on traveling with buddy passes for my daughter and I. I will also have an infant on my lap. (crazy I know, this was my husbands idea!)
I have never used a buddy pass before and would like ANY tips! I plan on traveling on a tuesday or a wednesday from San Diego to Chicago, on frontier airlines.
I am also traveling with kids which makes me a unique, and crazy stand by passenger.
Also... will they enforce the dress code for kids as well?
Thanks for any help!

A. tip: be zen about it. If you are supposed to make your flights, you will! If not....lots of diapers, wipes, change of clothing, snacks, toys to keep amused...oh, and some for the kid too :)

do check the flight loads! presume you are changing in Denver, so you have to make sure they both look OK (when res says the day before "they are both wide open", you can relax...a little...)

Don't know specifically about Frontier's dress code, but usually they just ask that kids' clothes should be neat, clean, & in good condition (if your daughter is partial to jeans with a hole in the knee, hide them that day)

Just chill, hang by the gate, and listen for your name! and bone up on the timetable, in case your plans do not immediately come to fruition (and don't freak out if that happens--it is part of the deal that sometimes you get on, sometimes you don't, and the gate agent doesn't really have time to solve your problems)

Good luck!

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