Saturday, December 7, 2013

For parents: anyone else with a baby with a lopsided head from sleeping on only one side?

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My baby's head is lopsided and the ears as well because he only sleeps on his left. We tried putting him on the other end of the crib so he has to turn to the right to see his toys, but to no avail. The doctor said it will probably correct itself now that he spends less time on his back and that we can wait 3 months for the 9 months appointment to see if it's better and then discuss the options. Did anyone have or is having the same problem? If so, what did you do about it?

First, welcome to motherhood!

It is quite common to see "lopsided" heads in infants and the usual reason is just what your Doctor described. All babies have a series of "fissures" (called sutures) that traverse the skull. There is one that runs down the middle of the skull (front to back) and two others that bisect this one (one in front and one in back) which allow for normal brain growth. These sutures essentially divide your babies skull into semi-mobile plates which can move or mold to the pressure applied. If your baby favors one side during sleeping it could cause these somewhat mobile and malleable plates to accomodate the persistent pressures. As your babies sleeping preferences change his head should return to a more normal shape.

In the meantime I’d try not to worry....unless your husband has a "lopsided" head. :-)

What can I do to entertain my 9 month old all day long?


He loves Blues Clues, Dora, and Baby Einstein, but I recently read that the AAP recommends that infants under 2 years of age never watch tv. He sleeps, plays with toys, reads books, eats, and excercises for several hours of the day, but what am I supposed to do the rest of the time if he can't watch any movies? Oh, and maybe the AAP has forgotten that there are things I need to get done during the day too! I need suggestions!

My daughter watched TV from when she was a little baby. I really don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's not all they do all day long. I'm sorry I don't really know what else you could do during the day. Sound's like it's already pretty full.

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