Monday, July 1, 2013

Any suggestions for traveling overseas with a baby?

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We're taking a 2 week trip to Japan with a 6 month old. I'd love any advice on dealing with an infant on a long (12 hour) flight, or managing jetlag. Our daughter has been sleeping wonderfully through the night for 3 months now. I guess that will all change.

Book bulkhead seats. (Assuming youâre flying economy.) These are seats that sit directly behind the bulkheads (dividers) on the plane, usually just behind business class. They offer a lot more legroom, and you usually get the option of booking a bassinet (see below). Plus your little one can crawl around a bit on the floor in front of you.
Book a bassinet. These attach to the bulkhead in front of the seat. Theyâre usually fairly small but your baby can lie with their legs over the end if necessary. Even if the baby doesnât sleep in it, it provides a great place to stash the 3 tons of stuff you end up with (books, magazines, blankets, pillows, food trays, water, toys, â¦)
Be aware of liquid restrictions for air travel. There are exceptions for baby food and so on, but you still need to stick within certain limits. Find out more information on this Australian site.
Take your own baby food on the flight. Your baby will prefer familiar food. Although many airlines offer baby food in-flight, your baby may not like whatâs available, and the food often has additives such as sugar and salt, too. Bananas are always a good standby when flying.
Give your baby something to drink after take-off and before landing. This will help with their ear pain as the pressure changes. Breastfeeding is great and has the added benefit of comforting. Water does the job too.
Have a stopover. If youâre flying from Australia to the UK, a stopover does help to break up the journey, but make sure itâs at least 2 nights or itâs not worth the hassle.
Be prepared for jet-lag. Itâs worse when you have a baby! You can forget about having those blissful few hoursâ sleep as soon as you arrive, as the little darling will have different ideas. Youâll be spending those first few hours trying to stop him or her bawling their head off. Also your baby will be waking up at 3am for the first few nights, thinking itâs the middle of the day. Very entertaining. The best strategy I can offer is: be prepared for this emotionally, and know that it will be OK after a few days.

What would be the most important items a woman should have for her first baby?


My little sister is pregnant for the first time. I know there are some things that a mom could use that are very important to have. I know diapers, baby wipes, and little squeaky toys are some things. What else would be very important to have? Thank you, I appreciate your answers!

a bouncy seat.
a swing
a stroller travel system with infant carrier and extra base if there is two cars.
a convertible car seat.
an infant tub
a bumbo seat with tray i use mine as a booster seat since we don't have a high chair yet
infant Tylenol, ibuprofen, mylicon, aspirator
a little grooming kit with hair brush and nail cutters

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